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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 15

Dante opens the door to the office, hearing the hinges as I stare at the desk in front of me. Dante acknowledges Mercury and says, "This way."

Hearing footfalls of both Dante and Mercury have my heart rate quickly picking up speed. He walks around the chair next to me, seeing his boots out of the corner of my eye. Lowering himself into the chair, Dante remains standing behind the two of us...

"Mercury," mom's tone is the same as when she just spoke with me, "you're here of your freewill offering up your blood memories willingly."

Mercury responds with an even tone, "That's correct."

Mom glances at dad before asking, "You're aware of what we're looking for and what you're being accused of?"

"Cormac was sparse on the details," Mercury tells mom before he finishes with, "though, I already knew about this when it first came up," my heart drops, and I feel sick to my stomach when he says, "Ciarán informed me."

Mom arches a brow and asks, "Do you have any questions?"

"No," Mercury is short and to the point, "I don't have anything to hide."


I...I don't understand...

...his confidence is unwavering.

Dad moves away from the side of the desk, coming to stand directly in front of the two of us. Mercury shifts beside me, seeing the slight raise of his arm while pulling back away the long sleeve covering his skin.

I'm quiet, just waiting...

...minutes pass by, though it seems like an eternity.

When dad moves from in front of us to stand next to the desk once more, I can hear the grip Dante has on the chairs we're sitting it crack slightly. My mind is buzzing...is he mad?

Did dad finally see what happened and communicated with mom and Dante?


...he comminuted...but my world shatters around me in the next few seconds.

"Acacia," mom's voice startles me, and I slowly bring my gaze up from the desk to look into her eyes. There's a slight difference though, seeing her wolf coming through, though it's in a battle of morals with her as she continues, "You've been found guilty of lying, accusing Mercury of crimes he did not commit. Your consent was given."

The blood rushes to my ears, pounding hard as it becomes even harder to hear her next words, "You will leave for Elysium with Dante in just a few minutes."

"Whoa, there's no need for that type of harsh punishment," Mercury comes surprisingly to my defense. Mom is quiet as he continues, "I think this is something Acacia and I can work out on our own with open communication."

Mom narrows her eyes at him and asks, "You're not at all angry that you were accused of sexually assaulting and abusing my daughter?"

"She's still young, and if she did something she wasn't ready for, that's something we need to talk about together," Mercury continues to tell her, my heart skipping a beat when he says, "we could spend more time together and work this out instead of sending her off to that godawful max security prison."


...he wants to take his revenge out directly on me for what I've done.

When I glance up further, my eyes flicker to briefly meet with dad's, my face paling...though I lose complete focus of my surrounds and only see my dad's eyes.

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