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Lucifer's POV

"Screaming in the Sky~ Loving the way I fall..."

"Seriously, Alastor stop following me around Hell."

"Oh my~ Don't get to much of yourself, your Highness~"

"Then stop following me." I said taking a sharp turn towards East.

"Hmmm... Won't you look at that! I'm also going there~"

"Alastor... Go get yourself a Bitch to fuck."

"I'd rather not~"

I gave up and just walk towards my destination, totally ignoring the Radio Demon who is just grinning as usual.

Can't this guy stop grinning? It's starting to creep me out... I sighed before distancing myself from him and ignored the sinners stare on our way.

"Oh my~ You sure are famous~"

"Of course I am." I said with a slight pride in my voice, Who would not look if their king is walking pass them?

"Prideful much~"

"So Noisy like usual." Alastor ignore my comment before swinging his wierd looking mike that almost hit my head if I didn't avoid.

"Ahhh~ What a nice day to stretch some arms." He swung his mike as if aiming for my head.

"Get your stupid mike away from me." I avoid another one... And another... Okay that's it!

"Give me that already!" I took the mike away from him and raise a middle finger.

"Why would you take my mike, Your Highness?"

"Cause your aiming it for me?"

"Oh really? I thought I couldn't hit you cause your like a rat~" THIS LITTLE OVER CONFIDENCE, UGLY, ANNOYING, DUMB FACE SON OF A BITCH!

I threw him his mike before summoning a portal and went back to my Castle.

"That fucking radio demon..."

With a sigh I went into my Library and open the door... Damn, It's dusty as fuck.

I walk in and snap my fingers, the whole room got lit up eith candles and the once dusty books and floor turn clean.

"Now... Time to find that book..." Walking around the gigantic library I tried to look for the books that I really need to find.

After a few minutes of searching I already have four giant book on the table, I look at it and was about to read them when a certain book grab my attention...

Hmmm.... The book is black with golden eye on the middle and what's more interesting is that the title of the book itself is written by golden blood... Of an Angel.

"Hmm... The Incarnation of Death? Interesting...." I smirk and carried the book towards the table and set it down while looking at the four more...

"Guess this will be the last~" I mumbled before putting the book in the bottom and start to read the first one.

It took me a while before an interesting page got my attention... It's golden.

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