Last Day in Heaven~

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Lucifer's POV

"My dear~ Hide~"

I look at Gabriel when he said that and raise an Eyebrow...

"You didn't know? Azrael created a contract just Three days ago."

"What?" I ask a little confused when I heard that... Three days.... Wasn't our deal also happened three days ago before I fell unconscious?

"Uh... What kind of deal is it and how did you know?" If it is our deal then how would they know? And why do Azrael need to become an Archangel of Death?

"Well maybe when Azrael made a Deal you were already unconscious, so you didn't witness the Realm of God shake..." EHH?

"Azrael holds a large portion of Heaven to rule so when he made a Deal it's felt by all Angels." What the actual Fuck? I'm crying already... But wait...

"Gabriel do you speak Greek?" Gabriel's eyebrow went up.

"Uh... No..?" I look at Joel and as if he already know what I'm about to say he quickly said his answers.

"Sorry Dear~ But, no." I sighed before we finally reached the Coffee shop and Joel went to put on our orders.

"Hey Lucifer?"


"Why were you asking if we speak Greek?" I chuckle before taking a seat on one of the tables.

"I just want to verify something but I can't read it cause it's written in greek." Gabriel look at me a little confused before he said.

"None of us Archangels really know Greek except for Azrael and maybe Celekiel."


"Yup... Oh! My brother knows Greek!" I look at Gabriel in surprise... Raphael speak Greek? Really?

"Raphael? He knows Greek?"

"Maybe, if you want go visit him or Celekiel since Azrael's not around." Before I can say anything Joel's voice resound behind us again.

"Here you go~"


As soon as we got our coffee's we start to walk towards random places that Gabriel almost fell off a cliff.

"Come on Lucifer~ Jump~"

"Hell No. I'm not doing that!"

"Cone on~"

"Joel don't push!"

Gabriel laugh on the other side of the cliff as Joel tried to push me on a fucking deep Hole that I don't even know it existed!


"Jump first then maybe I'll consider following!"

"Pft! Hahahaha! Go on Lucifer~" I gave Gabriel a glare as I run away from Joel.

"I don't even know what's in there!"

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