Who are you, Azariah?

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Lucifer's POV

"13... 14... 15.... Shouldn't have listened to your sweet lies~"

It was silent....

Dead silent....

I look around but all I saw was darkness...

'Where am I?'

"Is anyone there?" My voice echoed through the dark corridor around me.

All I remember is that I bid farewell to Azrael and went back to my room before everything went black the moment I close my door.

"Where the fuck am I?!" I shout and tried to use my powers to make a portal but no vail...

"My dear~"

I froze... Who?

"Hahahahaha! Lucifer Morningstar~"

"Who are you?"

"You don't know me dear, But I know you~"

"Enough... what happened? Where am I?"

"Dearest~ I just came to warn you~"

"About what exactly?"

"About the Angel of Death~ Azrael."

"Who are you and what the fuck are you implying?"

"Dear... Lucifer~ Aren't you curious about the Deal you sign?"

"Azrael already told me the things about the Deal..."

"And do you believe him?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Oh my~ You really know nothing about him."

"Who are you?"

"Azariah... My name's Azariah Dear~"

"Azariah? What do you want?"

"HAHAHAHAHA! I just want to warn you."

"About what exactly?"

"Azrael's Deal is not as simple as it seems~"

"Why not?"

"In one month he'll become stronger..."


"Dear~ Azrael will just give you a warm up, Do you really think he's that easy going to let you have fun?"


"He wants to be stronger dear~"

"By How exactly, Azariah?"

"You should welcome the Archangel of Death~"

What did he just say....?


I shivered unintentionally as sinister laugh echoed at the dark and my mind still can't guarantee what he just said...

"Archangel of Death, Azrael~ My creation will be so powerful~ HAHAHAHA!"

My eyes immediately close as a blinding light appeared out of nowhere....

Archangel of Death, Please Let Me Go...Where stories live. Discover now