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Lucifer's POV

"Even in the Darkest path~ I can still see your beautiful terrified face..."

I look at the shock man infront of me and smiled...

"Lucifer?" My smile turn into a grin and almost immediately I jump on him.

"Michael! My favorite Brother!" My hands are wrap in his neck as I'm practically getting carried instead of a Hug.

"Hmm...?" He hum but I can feel his grip tighten as his head was buried in my neck.

I giggle and played on his hair while he walked as in a chair and sat down as I'm sitted on his lap.

"Sometimes I really see you as lovers than Brothers..." Gabriel said while sighing...

"Bleh! My brother just love me so much." I said sticking out my tounge at him and Michael finally look up from my neck...
"Hey, Brother..." I smiled at him and his eyes still held a look of disbelief and I chuckled.

"It's me Michael, Your brother is here. Come on please talk." Slowly pinching his cheeks he finally gave a slight smile and raffle my hair.

"Hello to you too, Lucifer..."

"Hahaha your still a silent type huh, brother?" I said laughing slightly at him and and he just pinch my Cheeks which caused me to hiss.

"Ahem! Ahem! People are gonna be here!" Michael chuckle at Gabriel but he did let me go and I sat in there middle as the door opening.

"Gabriel you didn't tell me you have a meeting!" I whisper yell at Gabriel who just smiled at me and shrug.

As the footsteps grew louder I suddenly felt unease...

' What is going on? Fuck!'

I look straight as my whole system is telling me to not look and just run...

"Sorry we're late." I force myself to look at the one's who just came and saw a blonde haired male, a dark blue hair fellow who's hair is in a low ponytail and was wearing glasses... His also quite tall. The moment I look at the third person my mind scream Danger...

Hair as black as the night with a golden barrette which take an shape of an eye in either side of his hair... Tall as fuck and a long looking black cane that take a shape of an cross with a Circle on top of it, my eyes travel from his slender tall physique and to his face...


His black eyes with golden trims we're already looking at me with an emotion that made my hair stand up, it's not also helping that there is a mischievous smirk in his fucking handsome face!

"It's okay Leo, Sit down." I was broken from my daze in Michaels voice and I quickly force myself to look away from his eyes.

The one with the glasses whom I presume is Leo sat down followed with the two Archangel since Gabriel did say this place is where Archangels usually held meetings.

As they sat down the man whom I was just staring at sat directly infront of me...

'Fuck! Dammit! Why is he staring like that?'

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