I'm selfish.

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Lucifer's POV

"Why would I ever let you go? I won't lose you twice."

It was a deafening silence as I watch Azrael's golden chains wrap around Gabriel in a tight grip and his scythe put a gash on Gabriel's chest.

"Gabriel!" I scream as I quickly let my wings out and flew towards them.

"Azrael what the Fuck?!" Michael was also quick to regain his posture and immediately broke down Gabriel's Border.

Raphael suddenly appeared and cut down Azrael's golden chains, Gabriel's limp unconscious body fell but Raphael cought him right in time.

"Azrael! I've only been gone for a good fucking few seconds and you already did this to my Brother?!" As soon as I got towards them Raphael already gave Gabriel to Michael and point a dark green sword towards Azrael.

"Raphael calm down..." Joel tried to hold back Raphael as Leo and the others are still shock.

"Are you still sane, Azrael?!" I went to Michael and look at Gabriel whose covered in Gold Blood. I felt... Angry... Gabriel is the first Friend I ever had and the last person who left when I was banish...

"Azrael... Why?" Azrael's black golden eyes look at me and his lips were still up in a cold smile.

"Azrael, You mother fucker!"

"Raphael, Enough!" Michaels voice echoed in the silent Hall as the other Archangels and Seraph's erase all the normal Angels memory's and sent them away... Probably to keep Heavens balance.

"Azrael give me a reason why I shouldn't send a letter to Father for you to be banish in Hell." Michael gave Gabriel to Celekiel and we both immediately went down to get Gabriel heal.

As I watch Celekiel heal Gabriel I look up at Azrael and Michael who are both slowly descending down.

"Azrael why would you?" Leroy ask and Leo's eyes immediately narrowed and quickly went on Azrael's side.

"Stop all of you... Azrael wont do something like that without a reason, Michael let's listen first?" I look at Leo trying to defend Azrael as he is his brother before I look at Michael...

*Flashbacks in Lucifer's fall

"Father can't you see? This is the real Deal!" Lucifer's words fell on the silent court as all the Angels began to murmur among themselves.

"Is he insane?"

"What is he talking about?"

"Questioning God."

"He should get banish..."

"Silence!" God raise his hands and everyone stayed silent.

"Lucifer, is that really your last decision?"

"Yes Father!" God sighed before he raise his hands and a giant portal towards hell appeared just below Lucifer.

"Then you shall be... Banish." At Gods words all the Angels gasp.

"No... Gabriel, what I said is true right?" Gabriel was silent and before he can answer Seraph's quickly went to him and grab his arms as if knowing that he'll ran towards Lucifer anytime now...


"Michael... Take off his wings." Michael look at God and he took his sword and point it to Lucifer as he flew towards him.

At Lucifer blank face Michael look at his brother with coldness and after awhile he sheathed back his sword.

"Father if I may ask this... I want to use the favor you said and use it to ask a favor to not take off Lucifer's wings..."

Lucifer look at Michael and tears silently filled his eyes before he quickly look away.

"Are you sure Michael?" God ask and the Angels murmur became more loud.

"Yes Father..."

"Then it shall be... Lucifer you are know banish in Heaven." At Gods words Gabriel's tears finally fell down.

"Lucifer Morningstar, from this time you are now the King of the Underworld along with you, Lilith."

As Lucifer and Lilith fell down from Heaven God disappear and slowly all the Angels disperse the last one to leave were Joel and Gabriel...

"Gabriel... Lets go." Joel's voice resound in the empty court.

"No... This can't be happening... No..." Joel sighed before he patted Gabriel on his back.

"I'll be going now, Gabriel." As soon as Joel said that he immediately left without looking back as silent tears went down his face...

"Lucifer... I'm so sorry..." Gabriel finally stood up after thirty minutes and force himself to walk away.

As the Portal was about to close a Blonde hair swayed behind a pillar holding a Red rose close to his heart as Tears continually fell from his porcelain cheeks...

"I'm sorry brother, I'm so stupid..."

The portal close with Michael not knowing all he just did and said got heard by Lucifer.

It's the day that Lucifer Morningstar got Banish for a Dream that cause his downfall...

*Flashback finish

"Michael... Listen to Azrael." I didn't know why I alsaid that but I don't regret it as all the remaining Seraphs and Archangel look at me.

"Talk Azrael..." A sigh of relief was heard from Leo and Azrael's cold smile became more chilling than ever.

"I did it because Gabriel tried to break the balance between Heaven and Earth. It's my Job to discipline those who tried to break it and... He talk to carelessly." As Azrael said it smoothly Raphael look shock.

"Why... Why would he do that?" Raphael ask and I gave him a small pat on his shoulders...

"It's because of his Mercy... Someday his own kindness will be his downfall." When Azrael was finished talking a portal appeared behind him and he turn around but before he stepped in he look back directly at me...
"God knows I'm selfish and there's nothing you can do to it..."

Archangel of Death, Please Let Me Go...Where stories live. Discover now