Archangel Raphael?

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Lucifer's POV

"Oh! Do you hear that? The Bell of Death is ringing, Dear~" -Azrael...

"Huh???" I look at the tall Angel infront of me with interested eyes.

Blonde hair, green eyes peeking over his green glasses and black halo above his head shining in neon green, Damn! Hot face bro! His dress of fashion is also commendable... Mixture of green and black. I love it!

I look at the Angels rather cold face but his eyes flash a bit of interest.

"You are...?" I snap out of my daze.

I slightly coughed as I look at Michaels still sleeping figure besides me.

"Lucifer Morningstar, The King of the Underworld and Michaels brother." His eyes glow and a grin went to his lips which cause me to raise an eyebrow.

"King of the Underworld? Interesting~"

"And I presume you are...?" I ask and Michael shift slightly which caused me to panic...

"Don't worry, as long as Michael fall asleep doing paperworks then he won't wake up until you totally scream in his ears."

I sighed in relief at whst he said and now look at him with a curious gaze.

"Seems you know my brother very much... May I know who you are?"
"My name's Raphael... Gabriel's twin brother." WHAT?

"Gabriel have a brother? No no no... A twin Brother???" Gabriel have a brother? Really? When and where was he when I was still in heaven?

"Well~ Yeah." I look at Raphael still in shock by the information I just learned by now.

Now that I look closely Raphael do look like Gabriel only a bit taller and colder features.

"Well then... Raphael, what are you doing in my Brother's Office?"

"I just came back after a few decades cause of training and doing some of God's errands so I decide to first inform Michael." Hmmm?

"Errands for God? Aren't Seraph's supposed to do that?" Raphael chuckle at my words and took a sit in one of the couch in Michaels office.

"Well it's like my punishment..." Punishment? I wonder what kind of crime he did here.

"For what?" I ask and took a sat on the couch facing him.

"It was like one hundred years ago... I got into a fight with someone I shouldn't really fought with nor even argued in the first place."

"So it was because of a fight?"

"It's not a simple fight. It cause chaos in Heaven and even Earth... The Earth almost got destroyed by that fight." Very... Interesting.

"How come your still not banish? Or the person you've fought the one that got banish?" Raphael lazily smile and took a sip on the glass of wine that appeared on the table between us.

"No one got banish... And I'm the only one who got sent away for decades, and the person I've fought?" He look at me as I eagerly continue to listen at his explanation.

"I think his paper works are the only thing that increase in size cause of the number of souls he took that day." I froze at his words... Souls... He took? Oh no... Is he...?

"Who is the person you fought with?"

"Well, Darling~ clap for the fucking hypocrite, Angel of Death... Mother fucking Azrael." Shouldn't have ask that.

"Dear Lucifer~ it was nice talking to you but I think I'll go take some rest now since I'm also tired." Raphael stood up and I also stood up.

"Well goodbye then Raphael. See you tomorrow."

"Wait... I'm curious Lucifer. Aren't you supposed to be in Hell right now?" I laughed at his words and drunk down the glass of wine with one gulp, Raphael's eyes grew wide a little and getting darker? Huh?

"I was actually supposed to only stay here for a few hours but some events happened and I was told by Father to stay here for three days." Raphael look at me for a while before he smiled.

"Good bye, Lucifer~"

"Bye Raphael." As he open the door and was about to leave he pause for a second and look at me with a slightly sinister grin.

"The glass you just use is actually my glass, Darling~" With that the door closed as I look at it with confusion and it finally down on me by what he meen...

"What the fuck???" I look at the single glass on the table as my face turn into a bright pink...

' What just happened?'

"Michael~ You called for me?" Huh? The Door once again open and fucking Azrael walk in.

Azrael halt his steps when he saw me standing there still recovering by what happened just before.

"Cough... Cough! Azrael, what are you doing here?" He gave me a grin but this time it look a little more dark and sinister.... What the fuck?

"Hello Dear~ May I know if you talk with Raphael? And where is Michael?" Huh? Okay I'm getting much more confuse every second.

"I did talk with Raphael for a few hours and Michael fall asleep." Azrael just hum and close the door, the sinister grin still on his lips.

I suddenly felt something wrong so I immediately went towards Michael and tried to wake him up.

"Michael it's time to wake up now..." I shake him gently but a hand quickly stop me.

"Darling~ why don't we have a little chat for a while?"

"Actually I really need to ask something to Michael so can you just help me wake him up?"

"Hmm~ No." What?

Before I can say anything else the Door of the office once again open and Raphael walk in but, unlike his lazy grin before his lips were now lift upward into an sinister smirk.

"Oh, Azrael~ it's been decades since I last saw you and I must agree with Gabriel that you've gotten more ugly than before." The actual Fuck?!

"Oh, Raphael~ it's only been decades but your eyesight already became more blurry. Are you sure your not blind yet???"
There was a deafening silence as both Azrael and Raphael glare at each other...

This is interesting! Azrael let go of my wrist and continue to hold gaze with Raphael. Wait...

If a fight occur in both of them again then... Shit! Father will definitely blame me for not stopping them!

I look at the two Angels infront of me and quickly look around and my gaze land on the sleeping Michael. Hehehe.... Michael your my savior....

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