Lucifer your Interesting...

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Azrael's POV

"Let me make a dynasty that no one ever made..."

"Azrael please no!"

"Have m-mercy!"


I chuckled at the souls who are wrap around golden chains begging for mercy.

"Sorry Dears~ Mercy is actually a Crime~"

"Wait- No!"

A smirk went on my lips as I cut the Golden chains which caused them to fall directly in Hell...

"Now for you little Dearest~" An cold smirk went to my lips as golden chains went into my arms and my cane turn into a scythe right behind me.

"Azrael Stop." Huh?

I look at the person who dared to open the door towards my Realm...

"What do you want now, Leo?"

"We'll be late on our meeting with God." I roll my eyes at my Brother.

"Oh please spare me~ God is always late Leo."

Leo sighed before forcefully using his powers to send the souls I was just starting to play down to fucking Hell.

"Leo... What the Fuck?!"

"Come on, let's go Azrael." I sighed and I let my chains disappear as well as my scythe disguise as a cane.

"This better be worth it..." We both walk out of my Realm and towards the Meeting room.

"Hello, Leo and Azrael!"

"Hmmm?" My brother and I look at Leroy who was I think also going to the Meeting.

"Glad to see you Leroy." My brother said and I just nod at him.

"I heard Gabriel hugged someone, do you know who it is?" Hmm? Gabriel hug someone? Interesting....

"I thought Gabriel doesn't like physical affections?" Leo ask while I can also see his Interested.

"I don't know? I just heard it from the Angels there."

Silence engluf us... We walk further to the Hall and finally reached the meeting room.

"Sorry were late." Leo said and I just lazily look at Michael but I notice a person besides him...

Blonde hair, yellow eyes that almost turn golden cause of the sunlight cascading on his feminine serene face...

"Fucking gorgeous..." I whisper as I met his eyes and my natural smirk came to my lips.

"It's okay Leo, sit down." My gaze on the blondy did not move as I sat directly towards him.

"Aren't you going to introduce someone first, Michael?" Leo ask and my gaze are still on the blonde.

"This is Lucifer Morningstar, My Brother and the King of Hell." Hmmm? King of Hell?

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