It's Over (47)

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There were now a lot more dead people than Nico wanted.

He stayed low to the ground. The wind blasts possessed Zatanna was sending his way were picking up in strength. The dead army turned like the zombies they were and looked at him, waiting for instructions.

"Uh, restrain them. Only use force if totally necessary." Nico pointed to the group of slightly clumsy superheroes. With a few undead groans the skeletons turned and started to advance.

"Stop him!" Zatanna shouted, pointing her wand wildly in his direction. The team of heroes started forward but were quickly stopped by bony hands reaching out and grabbing onto their suits.

Nico's eyes moved past the chaos and landed on Artemis, who was lying scarily still on the ground. She definitely wasn't okay. He stepped into the shadows of the wall behind him, willing himself to appear next to her.

Once he emerged from the darkness he reached into his utility belt, pulled out several pieces of cloth, and wadded them into two separate balls of relatively even size. He carefully rolled Artemis onto her stomach and stuffed the entrance wound with one of his cloth balls before silently cursing himself for rolling her over before he clotted the exit wound. As quickly and gently as he could he rolled her back onto her back, stuffed the wound, and then rolled her back onto her stomach. He wasn't going to let her choke on anything that was likely going to be expelled from her throat.

"Sorry." He whispered to her as he tried to rearrange her limbs, so she was more comfortable. Though Nico wasn't really sure how comfortable someone could be if they had just been skewered with a celestial bronze sword.

He jumped as a random skeleton's head shattered into a million pieces as it landed a few feet away from them. Glancing back, the source seemed to be Superboy, who looked impassive as he threw punch after punch at the skeletons surrounding him, pulling him to the ground.

He was then scared witless by a giant bolt of lightning sparking down, sending him launching into the air and slamming into the ground several feet away, his head swimming and his gut churning. The smell of burning hair followed him.

"Stay. Still!" Another bolt of lightning flashed down from the dark cloud hovering over him, and another followed.

Nico's hair was standing on end as he desperately tried to weave in and out of the giant, jagged rocks that stuck out of the cave floor, trying his best to predict where the next bolt would fall. He yelped as the rock underneath his heels exploded, knocking him back onto his face. His poor chin was definitely going to have more than a few scratches after taking the brunt of most of his falls.

The lighting bolts chased him all the way down the hall, heavy footsteps following after him. He didn't know why Koios was making Zatanna chase him, wouldn't it just be easier if he got right back into Nico's mind and blasted his head off.

"Filthy rat!" Zatanna's tripled voice howled, a strong gust of wind whipped by her, sending Nico sprawling forward again, his body now coated with a fine layer of wet.

He grit his teeth and scrambles back to his feet, trying to ignore his swimming vision. He probably should fall again; it would only lead to his head hurting worse.

Father- Nico tried again, hoping his father would actually provide a little more help.

His mind remained silent, but there was a tugging sensation in his gut, telling him to turn. Now.

His feet almost slipped against the now wet and slippery ground as he abruptly whipped his body around and flung himself into a little cove. It was narrow and Nico could barely squeeze through it.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now