More Sewers (30)

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Nico grabbed Zatanna and dragged her off to the side.

Whatever was coming towards them stunk.

Except it was a familiar stank.

"Κύκλωψ," Nico whispered. Grabbing his ring and willing it into sword form. What the heck was a Cyclops doing here?

"What?" Zatanna whispered back, throwing Nico a weird glance.

Nico didn't answer. He just watched as a very large foot came crashing out of the dust, dangerously close to where they were hiding.

Nico took a deep breath, before creeping out behind the Cyclopes, being as silent as possible. Zatanna remained rooted to the spot, her eyes wide and fixed at some point on the ceiling. Nico frowned. She looked stunned, which led Nico to believe that she couldn't see through the mist. Which was a little ironic to Nico. You know, her being a magic girl and all.

Nico paused for a second as the Cyclopes stopped walking, its grotesque nose twitching as it sniffed the air. He hoped the monster hadn't smelled him.

"Where!" The Cyclopes howled and whirled around. Nico barely managed to jump into a shadow, using it to conceal himself. "Where food!"

Nico figured the Cyclopes was talking about him, it was either that or a goat was somewhere nearby.

He crouched low to the ground. This was a big Cyclopes, maybe about twenty-three feet tall. Nico wondered how it even got in here. It definitely wasn't through any of the entrances.

"Down here!" Nico shouted after making one hundred percent sure he was hidden.

The Cyclopes looked towards the ground, its one eye beady and bloodshot.

"Half-Blood!" The monster roared, thundering back down the passageway. Nico ran after him, sticking to the ample amounts of shadow in the base.

The one good thing about the Cyclopes being very large was that he couldn't see the ground very well. Which meant Nico could sneak around easily enough.

Nico had never really fought a Cyclopes before, so he had absolutely no idea what he was doing. He guessed the best thing to do was probably keep the Cyclopes from stomping on him.

And how would he do that? By chopping the feet off, obviously.

"Here!" Nico yelled before ducking between the Cyclopes' ankles, using his blade to hack at the ankles.

The Cyclopes howled and turned in circles, trying to catch a glimpse of Nico. Nico barely managed to avoid being crushed and eventually gave up on his ankle chopping. It wasn't going to work.

"Come on! I smell tasty huh?" Nico shouted at the top of his lungs, running to the edge of the room, trying to get the Cyclopes away from the door he needed to get into.

The Cyclopes thundered after him, its massive, pudgy hands waving wildly in the air, trying to snatch him up. Nico dodged each swipe.

"Come on! Are you really that slow?" Nico taunted, running around him, trying to get the Cyclopes to fall over. "I'm super strong so I must be delicious!"

The Cyclopes roared in outrage, stomping after Nico. Nico ran back across the room. He just needed to throw the monster off balance.

Nico faked a dodge to the side and ran in the opposite direction. The Cyclopes wobbled. Nico felt himself smirk. This was going decently well.

Nico slipped through the gap between the Cyclopes' ankles. The monster whirled around again, the ground cracking slightly under his heels as he pivoted.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now