Close Call (32)

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"So... you mean to say you weren't the one to save all of our asses, but you know who did and you can't tell us?" Artemis said slowly, mulling the words over like they were foreign to her.

"Well... it sounds stupid when you say it like that," Nico grumbled, leaning against the wall, and crossing his arms.

It had been a long few minutes as Nico tried to explain how the heck all of them got out of there relatively unscathed.

"Probably because it is stupid." Superboy snorted. Nico was about done with him.

"Whatever," Nico grumbled, looking over at Nightwing and Aqua Lad, hoping they would continue the conversation and he didn't have to do anything.

"What about the entire mist thingy?" Kid Flash asked, his foot bouncing obnoxiously on the ground. Nico was about done with him too. He was about done with all of them.

"It's complicated, ask Zatanna when you see her again." Nico was not in a very 'people' mood right now, he was still recovering from being asphyxiated and all.

"But you seem to know a lot about it, why can't you tell us?" Artemis pressed, applying more pressure to the bandaged wound on her side.

"Because I don't-" Nightwing cut Nico off before he could finish the rest of his sentence, which was probably for the best.

"Just ask Zatanna." Nico was glad someone else was sticking up for him.

The team went on to talk, well, more like argue about something. Nico was tired so he didn't really pay attention. At least, he wasn't paying attention until the alarms went off. Again.

Nico groaned softly as the blaring sounds cut through his skull, creating a throbbing headache. If something else happened today before he could get some sleep Nico might actually kill someone. And that someone would probably be Superboy, or Kid Flash, depending on which one annoyed him more.

"What is the source?" Aqua Lad asked, rising to his feet, and crossing the room, glancing at Nightwing and Red Robin.

"The Bat computer has detected something." Nightwing exited the room first, the rest of the team slowly filing out after him and Aqua Lad. Nico didn't want to move but he moved anyway.

"Wait- Is there a threat or not?" Superboy asked, his hands hanging by his sides clenched into fists. Nico blinked. Did he miss something?

"I don't think so." Red Robin murmured, his hands flying across the keyboard, thankfully shutting off the alarm.

"Gods. I thought you said it would make a beeping sound when it was done." Nico frowned, looking at the images the Bat computer program had been searching through earlier.

"I thought it was going to." Red Robin replied with a slight chuckle. Nico did not find it very funny, and apparently, no one else did either.

"What did it find?" Nico asked, moving to perch back on the arm of the Bat chair. He couldn't make sense of any of the words in the paragraph on the sides of the screen.

"Better question, what was it looking for?" Nightwing frowned walking up to Red Robin's other side.

"I had it looking for disturbances in Delphi. Looks like it found something." Red Robin mumbled, clacking the keys.

"What? Can it see through the mist after all? Or did it just pick up on what the mist disguised?" Nico asked, trying to see everything that was going on.

"This is the image it flagged down." Red Robin clicked the Bat mouse (yes, it was black and did have little bat wings as the buttons. Nico found it hilarious.) and the image blew up, covering most of the monitors.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now