Fixy Fixy Fixy (24)

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Nico woke the next morning and gathered his suit in a bag, provided by Alfred.

He hoped this would be a decently quick visit, but he wasn't sure he minded if he wound up staying longer than he expected.

"Are you going already?" Dick asked with a yawn, poking his head out of his room to peer bleary-eyed at Nico as he tried to creep quietly down the hallway.

Nico couldn't help but laugh at his rumpled hair.

"Long night?" Nico asked. Dick walked out of his room and threw an arm around Nico's shoulders.

"Yeah, nothing really happened but Brucey made us stay out until like, five am." Dick sighed.

"Yikes. Just making you stand around?" Nico snickered. He was very glad he had an excuse to skip out on patrol. He hated to sleep but he loved getting it.

"No, we wandered the city's underbelly, just looking for anyone who might have information on the recent events around town," Dick replied before giving Nico an evil look.

"Don't-" Nico tried to warn him. Dick ignored it and wrenched Nico's head under his arm and rubbed his knuckles straight into Nico's skull. Nico let out an embarrassing squeal and tried to get Dick to let go by smacking him in the face.

Both of them were laughing pretty hard.

"You two are so immature." Damian frowned, making both of them pause and look up at him, Nico's fingers were lodged near Dick's mouth and Dick was awkwardly balancing on one foot in order to keep Nico in his grip.

"Yeah, yeah," Dick said, very dramatically rolling his eyes, still not letting Nico go.

"Dick!" Nico growled, trying to free his head. "Let me go."

"Never." Dick cackled and resumed his assault. Nico squealed again.

"What was that noise?" Tim asked, also leaving his room only to start laughing the moment he saw what was happening.

"It's Nico," Damian answered, only making Tim laugh harder and Nico's whole face grow warm.

Nico had had enough, and he flailed his foot until it landed in Dick's shadow and used it as his point to Shadow-travel to the other end of the hall, breathing hard like he had just been tickled within an inch of his life.

"Hey! That's not fair." Dick whined after looking around for a few seconds.

"And whatever that was, was uncalled for," Nico replied, leaning against the stair banister.

"You don't know what a noogie is?" Tim asked, also turning to look at Nico.

"No, I know what a noogie is," Nico replied. "I'm just saying it was weird."

"Dick is always weird," Damian said, Nico almost thought he was going to stick his tongue out in Dick's direction.

"I am not!" Dick replied indignantly.

Watching this all go down reminded Nico of how Leo and Piper would act around each other. Which reminded Nico of why he was out of his room in the first place. And that reminded Nico of the conversation he was going to have to have with Leo.

"Dick, can I talk to you for a sec?" Nico asked, starting the descent down the stairs.

Dick frowned but followed and Nico only turned to face him once they had both reached the bottom.

"I need your advice again on the whole Leo and Nightwing thing." Nico started with a defeated sigh.

"I've already told you that you know him better than I do and are going to be able to judge the situation better than I can," Dick replied, crossing his arms.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now