Back into the Fray (29)

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Nico stood back, watching in horror as Superman was flung across the room, smashing into the wall, shattering it completely.

"What the fuck!" Jason yelled, sprinting over to them, and staring up at the monitor.

"Who is that?" Nico mumbled, taking a step forward and squinting at the screen. Something invisible snatched Superman up, crushing him. Except, Nico had seen this before. There wasn't anything there. "He's doing that to himself."

"What are you talking about?!" Jason snapped, looking at Nico like he was crazy. Bruce and Damian sprinted into the cave.

"I feel like I've seen this before. He's being controlled." Nico said, watching as Superman fired up his laser eyes and shot them at Wonder Woman, who ran towards Superman, her sword drawn and lasso at the ready.

"By who?" Tim asked, sitting down in the chair, his fingers going to the keyboard.

"I don't know. But it feels familiar." Nico mumbled, feeling his body tense as Superman absolutely slammed Wonder Woman into the ground.

"What does? Tim, damage report." Bruce ordered as he walked over to his Bat suit, opening the case door.

Tim proceeded to list all the things he thought were damaged and all the things that would probably get broken if the fight continued.

"Nico, what feels familiar?" Bruce asked again. He sounded so tense and ready to jump into battle.

"I'm not... sure," Nico mumbled, wincing as Wonder Woman started to strangle Superman with her lasso, wrapping it tighter and tighter. "It- just... something seems like I know it."

The bat boys stared at him like he was crazy for a few seconds before they broke into anxious conversation, trying to figure out how to act in this situation.

Nico stared up at the monitor, his fingers slowly drifting up to activate his helmet, letting it slide over his head. His display leaped to life, words flying across his screen as the sensors tried to make sense of what they were seeing.

Nico felt chills run down his spine as Superman grabbed Wonder Woman and flung her across the room. Superman's eyes were misty, but his attacks were clear and concise.

Nico's eyes went wide as a fragmented memory from the night before drifted to the of his mind.

His dream.

How could he have forgotten? Demigod's dreams were so important, and he had just forgotten. Nico squeezed his eyes shut, trying to remember everything he could about the dream, but his brain felt weirdly murky.

Summoning the dead, being crushed. He remembered all of that but...

"I have control over everyone you love. There Is no fighting against me."

Nico's eyes popped open. He couldn't remember who it was, but their eyes had been misty. Just like Superman's were.

"I need to talk to Annabeth," Nico mumbled. His legs robotically moved backward into a shadow.

"Why?" Bruce asked, sounding as serious as ever as he pulled his cowl onto his head.

"Something weird is going on. I had a dream about this." Nico was shot a few more 'Are you crazy' looks.

"You had a dream about Superman attacking Wonder Woman?" Tim asked, his eyes shooting back to the monitor as Wonder Woman slammed Superman into the ground, her lips moving, forming words Nico couldn't hear,

"Not about this specifically but it was about the mind control. I think it's why it felt so familiar." Nico replied, looking over as Nightwing swung into the Batcave.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now