The Scariest Game of Where's Waldo (8)

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Nico decided hero suits were as ridiculous as he originally thought they were.

Once Damian had adjusted the measurements on Nico's new suit, removing the Robin logo and replacing it with a dark green N. The mask, which Nico learned was actually called a domino mask, was adjusted to fit Nico's face. It honestly felt like it was glued directly onto his skin. The rest of his suit was simply dark grey with a black utility belt and sturdy combat boots and gloves.

"Looking good little dude." Red Robin said, reaching out and thumping Nico on the back.

"Thanks," Nico mumbled, looking at himself in the mirror Damian was holding up for him. Nico couldn't even recognize himself. Sure, Nico had filled out in size and his skin was a lot less sickly looking, but the domino mask did a lot more to hide his face than he thought it would.

"He's all grown up." Nightwing sniffled dramatically. Nico rolled his eyes, though nobody could see it from behind the whites of his eyes.

"We must get going," Robin said, setting the mirror down. "We have kept the Justice League waiting long enough."

"You're probably right." Red Robin sighed. "They might be getting a little worried."

"Just hold on," Nightwing said, crossing his arms. "Nightshade has never gone in a zeta tube before." Nico looked up at his older brother.

"It can't be that bad?" Nico mumbled, looking around at the somehow unharmed tubes.

Nico was wrong. So very wrong.

Traveling via zeta tube felt like every particle in his was pulled apart, encased in a slimy film, and whizzed through the air towards their destination. And when they reached the destination all of Nico's particles were slammed back together all at once. The experience was even more nauseating than flying with Jason Grace, and flying was very rough on the stomach.

Nico stepped out of the zeta tube and had to latch onto Red Robin's shoulder in order to not fall over. Once Nico had regained his balance he looked up. There was a group of teenagers standing next to a group of very scary-looking adults.

"What took you guys so long?" A woman with blond hair and a blue and black vest asked, stepping forward and crossing her arms.

"Our apologies Black Canary," Robin said, matching her crossed-arm pose.

"We had to get our friend here briefed," Nightwing said, gesturing to Nico, who was standing behind him. Nico waved awkwardly, not really knowing what to do.

"Was he there at the time of the incident?" A woman in bright red, blue, and gold asked. Nico felt his heart stop. He immediately recognized the aura as one of being a demigod, except, it felt godlier. Her aura also felt strangely familiar.

"Yes, he was the first one on the scene." Red Robin explained. All eyes were suddenly on Nico.

"Who is he?" A blond girl with a green superhero suit and a mean-looking bow attached to her back.

"His name is Nightshade," Nightwing said, and when the group of heroes clearly expected more Nightwing sighed. "And his identity is to remain a secret. By request of Batman." That shut down all opposition.

"What happened?" The only hero Nico could actually recognize, Superman, asked. It took Nico a second to realize Superman was talking to him.

"I had a meeting with Batman." Nico started. "And when I went to the Batcave. It was empty, and dark, like, darker than usual." Nico added the last part at the skeptical looks on everyone's face. "But Batman wasn't in the Batcave. I sort of looked around for him but then Deathstroke attacked me."

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin