Work Work Work - Leo Valdez, 2024 (12)

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Nico woke up with everything hurting.

His hands, his head, his arms, his legs, everything hurt. Nico guessed this was the price he paid for overexerting himself the day before.

Luckily Nico's energy felt restored, and he felt well rested for the first time in a while.

Nico slid out of bed, his bare feet brushing against the cold stone floor of the bunker, sending a shiver up his body. But Nico was used to the cold, so he sucked it up and slid out of the bed, wandering towards a room with what looked like a light.

"Leo? Are you in here?" Nico called out, rounding the corner, and entering the said room. Nico sat down beside Leo, who was shoving his face full of chocolate cereal.

"Hey! Death breathe." Leo said, slicking his unslickable hair back in a poor attempt to be 'smooth'. "You're awake! You know, I was starting to get worried you died."

"Jee, thanks for checking up on me," Nico said sarcastically, knowing Leo did no such thing.

"No problemo." Leo said chuckling in a very 'innocent' manner. Nico narrowed his eyes.

"What did you do?" He asked suspiciously. Leo did his chuckle again.

"You know, I'm not always up to something," Leo replied, waving his arms above his head like he was trying to prove it to the universe.

"Liar." Nico retorted. "You're always up to something or other."

"Nu-uh," Leo said, shoving Nico. Nico nearly shoved him off the chair in retaliation.

"Name one time when you weren't planning something," Nico said, pursing his lips and crossing his arms.

"Well, last night I was, wait for it, watching the news," Leo said, looking a little too proud of himself.

"That's it?" Nico asked skeptically.

"Well, I was also planning on painting the Ares cabin in neon blue, but like-" Leo said, his mischievous smirk back in full force.

"You were planning something." Nico scowled. Leo sighed and raised his spoon innocently before throwing a spoonful of soggy cereal right at Nico's face.

"Leo!" Nico screamed, shooting to his feet, and reaching out to strangle him. Leo just laughed and danced away.

"Come on!" Leo jeered. "Lighten up!"

"I'll lighten up when I have your head on a stake!" Nico yelled, wiping the chocolate milk out of his eyes.

"Oh please," Leo said, casually sashaying back over to where Nico was standing and setting his spoon down as a sigh of cereal surrender. "You want to laugh, and you know it."

Nico wasn't laughing, and he was very sure about that.

"What were you doing." Nico huffed, figuring it wasn't worth it to have murder added to his already rather guilty conscience.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked, sitting back down at the table, shoving his cereal bowl away as if he wasn't hungry despite the fact he had been chowing down like he hadn't eaten in years just a minute before.

"You're acting suspicious. What were you doing?" Nico replied, Leo scoffed.

"Me? Acting suspicious? Pa-lease." Leo said, giving Nico the sassy hand. (Nico still had no clue why Piper called it that but now it seemed like a fitting name.)

"Leo. What. Did. You. Do?" Nico said firmly, planting his hands on the table and leaning over like he was some cop in a drama show.

Leo sighed and looked away.

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