Bat-Saving Antics (15)

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Nico figured that even the Greek Demigods did more planning than the Justice League did.

Once Black Canary had informed everyone over the mental link that Zatanna had healed Nico's hands and that he had found Batman in Khartoum everyone was congregating about a few miles away from said city.

Which just so happened to be the most populated city in all of Sudan. It was also the capital.

Kid Flash and The Flash were the last to arrive, having been the farthest away.

Once they skidded to a stop in front of the rest of the group, kicking up a giant cloud of dust, Wonder Woman turned to address them.

"The base is located in the sewers correct?" Wonder Woman asked, all of Young Justice nodded, including Nico. "Then we are going to split up and search the sewers for any possible entrance-looking objects."

"I think the entrance is a sewer grate," Nico spoke up, quickly reaching up to adjust his voice manipulator as he realized it had been thrown off by him taking the helmet off earlier.

"A sewer grate in a sewer?" The Flash asked, his red suit glaringly bright under the hot Sudan sun. Nico nodded.

"Yeah, it's located at a t-section between six different sewer lines," Nico explained, trying to remember all the little details from the newest search.

"Do you know the location of the t-section?" Superman asked, his arms crossed tightly across his chest and a very irritated-looking Superboy at his side.

"No, I didn't really look at the surrounding sewer tunnels," Nico replied, suddenly feeling a little incompetent.

"That's alright." Black Canary said, giving Nico another one of her smiles. "We can cover all of the sewers of Khartoum in a few hours."

"Less." The Flash interjected. "Especially with two speedsters."

"I thought going in the sewers was a bad idea?" Superboy snarked. Nico rolled his eyes again.

"It is." He replied flatly. "It's still a disease and bacteria-ridden place."

"Our super suits have disinfecting capabilities." Green Arrow said. "Young Justice's does too."

"But as long as the water doesn't really touch you." Wonder Woman started, Nico's eyes drifted towards the lasso, which was no longer glowing and attached to her hip again. "Your helmet should protect you from everything else if it has air filters. And you shouldn't have to worry about the water too much if your suit is waterproof."

"I'm about twenty percent sure this thing is at least water resistance," Nico said, looking down at his boots.

"Only twenty percent?" Artemis asked, clearly amused.

"Yeah," Nico replied.

"Haven't you had that suit for a while now?" Nightwing asked. "Haven't you tried it out?"

"I lied about that. This is just the suit that you gave me but my... roommate decided it needed an upgrade." Nico explained. "What? Are you all surprised I lied?" Nico asked upon seeing the looks on their faces. "What did you expect?"

"The truth." Superboy snarled, immediately getting another disapproving look from Superman.

"It's impossible for your 'roommate' to do all of that in a few hours." Red Robin scoffed, also crossing his arms.

"Why do you think I lied about it?" Nico retorted. "But my suit is the least of everyone's matters, how are we even going to get into the base once we find it?"

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن