Off to Camp (11)

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{A question for any of the other WP writers, is your story giving you an error message every time you try to upload an image higher than 1000 x 1000 pixels? I was able to do it before so I don't understand why it's not letting me do it now. Any advice?}

Nico didn't know where he was going to go, but he was leaving.

Nico solidified into existence in his room. Immediately Nico set to packing his bags.

He had seen the looks on the team's faces. The looks on his brother's faces. They were horrified at what he had done.

Nico had seen that look enough times to know that he had to leave. From people at camp to random strangers on the street. Nico wouldn't be able to face them again. They would never look at Nico the same way again.

Nico bent down, grabbing everything he had hidden underneath the bed and shoving it into the duffel bag from camp. Nico didn't bother packing things neatly. The more time he wasted the more time someone had to walk in on him leaving and try to stop him.

Nico couldn't imagine Dick, Tim, and Damian wanting him to stay anything longer, but Alfred surely would try to get him to stay since he didn't know about Nico's atrocity.

Nico did one last check over everything in the room, making sure he didn't leave any of his original belongings. Nico decided to leave all the things he had gotten (aside from the Demigod stuff) while he was staying at Wayne Manor simply because they weren't his and it would be hard to carry them all around while he was searching for a place to stay.

Once Nico had made absolutely sure he hadn't left anything important behind he sat down on the bed, taking a second to actually think about what he was doing.

Nico suddenly realized he wasn't tired or drained at all. Sudan was very, very far away from Gotham. And Nico wasn't even at his full strength again, yet he managed to shadow travel halfway across the world and not lose enough energy to prevent himself from being absorbed into the shadows.

But Nico didn't have long to think about that as he heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. Nico grabbed his bag and flung it down beside his bed and dove down with it. Soon after he heard his door open, and his breath caught in his throat.

"I'm checking Afred!" Nico heard Jason call out before a few seconds of silence. "I don't know what you heard Alfred but there isn't anyone in here!" Nico waited for the door to close, and when it did he sat back up, finally letting himself breathe.

That was a close one.

"You know. I didn't think you would fall for that." Nico's head swiveled around and landed on Jason, who was still in the room.

"Uh-" Nico said, trying to get his brain to work.

"Don't worry. I play hooky when I'm supposed to do stuff with YJ too." Jason said casually plopping his butt down on the bed and lying down.

"Oh." Was all Nico could say, he didn't have the heart to tell Jason that he wasn't ditching, or Nico was ditching. Just not the way Jason thought he was.

"Not to be a dick or anything, but you look terrible." Jason sitting up and looking genuinely concerned. "Something happen?"

"Um, I was just a little nervous-" Nico said, trying to justify the reason he had left.

"It was Superboy and Artemis right?" Jason cut him off before cursing. Nico felt his lips curl in a disapproving frown. He never liked swearing. "Don't take it personally, they're like that to every new member."

"Yeah, I guess," Nico said, looking away from Jason. His green eyes seemed to slice into Nico.

"What's all that?" Jason asked. Nico had to look where he was pointing and nearly swore himself when he realized Jason had seen his packed duffle bag.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now