Back To Sudan (14)

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Nico decided that the thing he hates most in the world is waiting.

Waiting for the Justice League was agonizing. They just sat around.

Apparently, they couldn't 'train' (Nico had no idea what 'training' looked like or consisted of for the team.) because they needed all the energy they could get for the mission they would embark on the moment the Justice League got back from wherever they were.

Nico was sitting on the ground, tapping the concrete underneath him as he watched Superboy and Miss Martian talk.

They were weird. And not just like alien and alien clone weird.

Nico was dense when it came to feelings, and he knew that. But even he could tell there was some romantic tension between the two.

But Nico also knew it would not work out. He had seen the way the two interacted. Superboy was too big of a prick for Miss Martian to ever be able to date him. Which was sad. Nico felt bad for the both of them, it was clear that they both really liked each other, but it was also clear that Superboy would have to do a lot of 'self-work' in order to make the relationship work.

But who the heck was Nico to tell them that. He had never been in a relationship, and he probably never would be.

"How much longer could this possibly take!" Kid Flash whined, waving his legs in the air like he was running.

"Have patience." Aqua Lad sighed. "They are on an important mission; it may take some time."

"Why are we unable to spar again?" Robin huffed; he was leaning against the wall only a few feet away from Nico.

"We have to stay primed," Nightwing replied. "This is going to be a dangerous and taxing mission."

Robin huffed and sat down next to Nico.

"This is all ludicrous." He growled. "We are doing nothing but sitting here. There is a rescue mission we must embark on." Nico just hummed in agreement, patting Robin's arm quickly before dropping his hand.

As Nico sat there in silence, his mind started to wander. He wondered what the entire team thought everyone else's secret identities were. Nico knew he was curious. He could tell from their body language generally what environment they grew up in. Kid Flash was obviously a city kid, with a semi-normal life and family. He figured Miss Martian and Superboy didn't really have secret identities, being aliens and all. Nico already knew Nightwing's, Red Robin's, and Robin's identities, being their sibling and all. Aqua Lad had the same fish vibe Percy had so he was probably an Atlantean. But Nico couldn't quite figure out Artemis.

She seemed like Damian in some ways. But she also walked around like she had something to prove. She was calculated and suspicious, she moved with an air of danger, but she never seemed to hurt anyone. If Nico had a guess, Artemis was trained in some sort of combat when she was young, probably by her parents.

Nico's ability to read people scared even him sometimes.

Nico looked away, feeling a little awkward that he had been staring and judging so hard.

As Nico sat there, he felt a shiver run down his spine as a consciousness brushed against his. Nico expected another attack, so he shot to his feet, drawing everyone's attention. Instead of an attack, his mind was filled with Martian Man Hunter's voice.

We shall be at the base in two minutes. Nico froze and Martian Man Hunter's presence left his mind.

"What was that?" Kid Flash asked, finally stopping his leg waving.

"The Justice League will be here soon," Nico mumbled, sinking back onto the ground next to Robin.

"How do you know?" Red Robin asked curiously.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now