Panic (40)

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Nico banged on the metal door until Batman opened it.

"Nightshade-" He started but Nico ignored him.

He reached into his utility belt, grabbed the earbud, and thrust it away from him as he sprinted down the halls. There was a large shadow cast by some sort of refrigerated box, probably holding medical supplies.

"Nightshade!" Batman yelled, running after him. "Where are you going?!"

Nico ignored him some more and charged into the shadows, willing himself to be whisked away to California.

"Reyna!" Nico shouted, reaching up and deactivating his helmet.

Nico paused for a second as he tried to figure out where he was. The sun was bright and there was lots of fresh green grass. He pivoted on his heel and spun around. It looked like he was in the pastures.

The unicorn trotting around him confirmed that.

"Crud." He mumbled, starting his way towards the path leading up out of the pastures. Time was of the essence here and a trek halfway across Camp Jupiter wasn't going to go fast.

"Nico?" He whirled around and a wave of relief washed over him as he saw it was Hazel, her hand resting on the snout of a unicorn. She was out of her armor; her purple Camp Jupiter shirt was a little loose. She must be on break.

"Hazel! Thank gods!" Nico jogged over to her and stopped to take a deep breath. The shadow travel trip from space had winded him.

"What's wrong?" Hazel placed her hand on his armored shoulder, her golden eyes crinkled in concern.

"I need to talk to Reyna. Right. Now." Nico straightened up and looked his sister in the eyes.

She seemed to immediately understand how important this was and grabbed his forearm, running up the path with Nico racing along behind her.

"What is going on?" She asked again, her sneakers slipping slightly on the gravel as she took a sharp turn onto the main path.

"It's about his attack plan. He is planning on attacking- Reyna!" Nico stopped, waving his hands high above his head as he saw Reyna riding in a chariot down the road.

Reyna tugged slightly on the reins and the Pegasi slowed to a stop, their hooves clomping on the gravel as they snorted, rearing their heads slightly as they saw Nico. It looked like animals still didn't like him.

"What is going on?" Reyna asked, her brow furrowed as she stepped aside, letting Nico and Hazel climb up into the chariot, which Nico recognized as one of many, many apology gifts from Leo. The Greek words Sorry for bombing your city were carved into the post chariot.

"The Titan is planning on attacking Camp Jupiter because he blames you for his humiliation. I'll explain everything when you have all the people you need to prepare." Reyna immediately whipped the reins and with a loud brey the Pegasi got a running start and leaped into the air, their massive wings flapping in the air as they climbed higher and higher.

Both Nico and Hazel grabbed onto the sides of the chariot, trying to not look down at the ground. He wondered whether Zeus or Jupiter would strike them down. He hoped not.

"I'm going to drop you all off at the senate. Then I'll go get all the centurions." Reyna said, whipping the reins again, spurring the Pegasi to go faster.

"I'll text Frank to get him there faster." Hazel stepped quickly across the chariot and looped her arms around Nico's waist so she could use her hands and not have to worry about flying out the back end of the chariot.

Nico made a mental note to ask Leo if he could put a door on the back because it just seemed like a massive safety hazard without one.

"When did you get a phone?" Nico asked. He knew it probably wasn't the time to ask that, but he was curious. Hazel's 'phone' looked like a small box with lots of wires sticking out.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now