Blood, Bloood and! ... (36)

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Nico was almost sad when he had to leave the bunker.

"I still think we should go with you." Will scowled. "We could help you."

"I know Will, you've said it a billion times." Nico sighed, adjusting his gloves. "And no. You're not coming."

"Be sure to check in with us. And be sure to stay safe." Hazel stepped forward and hugged Nico from the side.

"I will Haze. I will." Nico reassured, patting Hazel's shoulder for a few seconds before resuming putting his suit on. He didn't know why they had to watch him but at least it wasn't while he was changing out of his clothes. He didn't know why he thought that. That was weird.

"And if you come back to me in the next week with a broken suit, I will kill you and make you into Festus' next meal." Leo crossed his arm. Nico could still see the smears of popcorn 'butter' on his mouth.

"I won't," Nico assured him too.

"Make sure to not lose any limbs." Percy nodded, gravely serious.

"I won't," Nico repeated, shooting a glare at Jason as he tried to open his mouth.

"Stop by sometime." Reyna patted Nico on the back. "Say hi to the legion."

"Will do," Nico replied, activating his helmet. There were a few moments of silence as they all just stared at him.

"You look sick as heck dude." Percy grinned, clapping Nico on the shoulder the moment Hazel stepped away.

"Thanks, Kelp head," Nico grumbled, reaching up to adjust the voice changer part of his helmet before bending down and fixing his sole sensitivity to a comfortable yet practical level.

"I hope you know that I am now going to stalk every news account talking about you." Leo cocked his eyebrows.

"I'm sure there are a lot of them. Apparently, a lot of them didn't know I existed until yesterday." Nico straightened up and slipped his ring into one of his utility belt pockets.

"I mean. You kind of stick to yourself." Piper added. "I bet you didn't exactly go out of your way to talk to any of the press, or to anyone except the people you didn't need to."

"You would be right. The press sucks. I have to deal with them enough as a new Wayne or whatever, dealing with them in a mask is a little bit better but also a whole lot worse." Nico folded up the plastic grocery bag used to cart his suit and stuffed it into his utility belt.

"Amen." Piper agreed. "All those cameras in your face are sucky."

"Are you going to go back to the Waynes or to the superhero team that has not been named?" Reyna asked, Nico paused for a second, thinking.

"I think I'm going to-" Nico was cut off by a high-pitched scream echoing from one of the many rooms, bouncing off the bunker walls.

"What the heck is that?" Jason asked, looking down the hallway the sound was coming from.

"That's an alarm!" Leo chipped, grabbing Nico's arm, and dragging him down the hall.

Nico grumbled a few unflattering things under his breath. He wasn't sure he was ready for another problem he had to deal with.

"Don't tell me you were still searching for the Penguin and Deathstroke." Nico sighed once they had come to a stop in front of Leo's giant computer.

"I did, but the Leo computer didn't." Leo plopped down in the chair and started clicking his mouse. "Deathstroke was spotted back in Gotham. Trotting around the same sewer system as before."

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now