Brawl (37)

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Platform holographic training was a lot for Nico to take in.

Especially since he was given a sword that was a little too long for him and shoved into a training session with the rest of Young Justice and two new kids he didn't know.

"Alright." Nightwing turned around after tapping on a small keypad. "Nightshade, you're new to this so a few people are going to go ahead of you just so you can see how it works. Artemis, would you do the honors of showing us all?"

Artemis nodded and slung her bow off of her shoulder, walking up the steps and standing still, feet shoulder-length apart on the platform. Nico watched curiously as Nightwing pushed a button on the keypad and lights turned on all around the base.

"I'm going to give you a lighter level just because you were running around Deathstroke's base." Artemis nodded again in Nightwing's general direction and bent her knees slightly.

"Is anything supposed to be ha-" A boy in a blue-looking beetle suit asked, glancing around at the older members before he jumped at Artemis firing an explosive arrow at a holographic man that appeared out of nowhere.

Nico didn't know why he was also surprised at the sudden appearance. He was in space after all. He guessed he just had a hard time wrapping his head around the idea that technology had advanced so much over the seventy years he was stuck in the Lotus Casino.

Artemis finished two levels pretty quickly, then it was Superboy's turn. Nico watched as he fired his laser eyes a few times before seemingly giving up on it and just started punching the holograms. Nico realized he had never really seen any of the team members fight before, even if he had been in battle with them.

"Very good Superboy." Nightwing smiled. "Kid Flash, your turn." Kid Flash took Superboy's place on the platform as Dick started up the program.

Nico was uncomfortably aware of Batman and Wonder Woman entering the room. Batman clearly had cleaned the blood of himself like Nico had.

When neither of the two League members left Nico awkwardly watched Kid Flash speed kick the holograms. Were they really going to stand there and just watch a bunch of teenagers train? He guessed it was part of their job, but it still felt a little weird to him.

Sooner than Nico would have liked it was his turn. He hesitantly climbed the stairs and stood there awkwardly while Batman and Nightwing whispered over the keypad.

That couldn't be good.

Finally, Nightwing pressed a button and the lights turned back on. Nico cautiously turned in a slow circle. He could see minuscule holes in the ceiling, probably from the projectors. Nothing happened for a solid ten seconds.

He felt a chill run down his spine and on pure instinct he spun on his heel, dropping into a crouch, swinging his unbalanced sword up in the process.

The sharp blade stabbed straight through the chest of a red holographic man wielding a small knife. Nico was almost insulted. That was it?

Nico frowned as he rose to his feet again, continuing his slow circle. His body had kicked into high alert. He didn't know if these holograms could hurt him. He was pretty sure they couldn't, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

Another red holographic man appeared to Nico's right, accompanied by a second one, both of them holding spears. He frowned, weapons hadn't been a part of either Artemis' or Kid Flash's training, and the only weapons Superboy had to deal with were the occasional gun. And those bullets glanced right off of him.

Nico stepped aside, dodging a spear, and using the flat of his blade to disarm one of his opponents. He swept his arm up and chopped the head off of the other one then followed through with the motion to slice through the upper half of the second one.

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