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"Tighter!" You cried out breathlessly. Angel ignored you- instead loosening your corset before tying it with a finality.

"Relax babe-  it ain't like Alastor is gonna leave you at the altar or nothin'." He said, crossing both sets of arms. You took a deep breath, feeling your ribcage hit the walls of the corset. He was probably right. You were just so nervous. After today you were going to be with the love of your life for the rest of eternity. That was a special thing. Hell didn't quite have marriages like Earth did, since marriage was a ritual of god. But you were throwing a wedding anyway, with rings and vows, and love. Your closest friends were gonna be there- namely the whole hotel crew, plus Lesley and her sister. You were so excited.


Today was the day I'd be marrying my gorgeous fiance. That word was so strange to say In and of itself, but soon it would be wife, and I couldn't be more excited. After I proposed I had decided I needed a change, so I'd cut my hair. Y/N was incredibly happy about that, so I was happy. Currently, it was slicked back, a small curl peeking out. I'd put on small glasses instead of my monocle, and I looked the most like my human self than I'd had in several decades. It brought back so much nostalgia. It made me happy, and I was sure it'd make y/n happy too. I adjusted my lapels and had husker fix the rose attached to my suit. I hoped it wouldn't die today, so I was extra careful not to touch it. I checked my pocket watch. It was time for the wedding to start.

-third person-

"You may now kiss the bride!" Charlie said. She was acting as a minister as priests didn't typically go to hell. Alastor swept Y/N up in his arms and dipped her, kissing her deeply. Y/N kissed back with just as much feeling, emotions, and unspoken words flowing through them and into the kiss. They separated and faced the small crowd who were all loudly clapping, both with beaming smiles on their faces.

So there it is dear reader, the end. Our lovers came together through life, death, hardships, and fakes, and they will stay together through the same. Everyone was happy.


(Yay! Epilogue! Sorry if its short, I didn't have much to say. Since so many people like this story, I might consider making a sequel, if you'd all like. :) Until then, here's the true end of We Meet Again ~

Buy luvs!


We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora