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"Whaddya say we play a little game?" Y/N asked, an undertone of mischief clear in her voice. That piqued my interest.
"A game you say? What do you have in mind?"
"How about a game of truth or dare?"  she said happily. I had her explain it to me and then thought it over before slowly nodding.
"That sounds good dear!" I chirped, feeling a buzz from the alcohol and the strange feeling I get around y/n mix into a pleasantly comfortable one.
"Okay! I'll go first! Truth or dare?" she smiled. I hummed in thought.
"Truth," I replied. She nodded and thought for a minute.
"Tell me all you remember about your life!" She said. And so I did. It wasn't much, but it was more than what I had when I first dropped in here. I remembered my childhood, my job as a radio host, my death, and most of the people in my life, though everyone was always fuzzy and indiscernible. I told this all to Y/N, who seemed satisfied with my answer.
"Alright Y/N, truth or dare?"
This game went on for another hour. I ate a bar of chocolate (as vile as that is), I took 5 shots in 25 seconds, and I answered some borderline personal questions- among other things. Y/N flirted with husk (Who was deeply unamused, as was Angel), licked the floor, and also answered some quite personal questions.
We both agreed this was gonna be the last round., and so it bagan.
"Truth or dare?" Y/N asks.
"Hm... Dare"
Y/N takes a deep breath and smirks up at me.
"I dare you to kiss me."
I pause, thinking it over, the word "No" on the tip of my tongue, ready to be shouted. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized the idea appealed to me. It sounded like it'd be... Nice. I slowly nodded and leaned in, tilting Y/N's chin up and gently brushing my lips with hers. She immediately kissed back, sparks flying between us. My eyes involuntarily widened as those sparks sent electric currents through my brain, memories, and images hitting me like a freight train, blurry faces suddenly becoming clear as day. I pulled away from our his, my mouth agape in shock, my smile barely on my lips.

(I'm so so sorry this took so long to get out- i didn't have any motivation and I've been extremely busy- D: -idiot)

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