Oh snap

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(im supposed to be doing a project that's due Monday rn :,) -Idiot )


You and Anthony both jumped up from your seats and ran to the front door. There you saw a furious-looking Alastor standing in front of an equally angry-looking vox. The front door lay kicked down on the floor between them.

"Dude! My fucking door!" Vox complained arms crossed.

"Where the hell is Y/N?!" Alastor said. You could almost see the steam pouring out of his ears. He looked terrifying. You'd never seen him angry before.

"I-im right here-!" You said feebly. Alastor turned to you, his expression of rage softening to one of relief. "Y/N! Are you alright? Did this bastard hurt you?"

"No," you replied. "You two know each other?"

"We're not exactly on good terms. Hate is a strong word but I think it's the most accurate one in this situation." Vox told you.

"Huh. That makes sense. Well Alastor, Vox is my new friend! And this is Anthony, my other new friend!"

"'Sup" Anthony nodded his head at Alastor. Alastor gave him a halfhearted wave before his gaze returned to you.

"I suppose I cannot stop you from being friends with this cretin but I certainly am not happy about it." He said shooting another dark glare at Vox. "Shall we be on our way?" He added. You nod.

"Yeah, let's go." You walked to him and waved bye to the others. Everyone waved back and you walked out with Alastor.

-Alastor's POV-

I left Vox's residence with Y/N. I was still boiling with anger. I wasn't sure why I cared so much, but seeing Vox again definitely didn't help with the anger. I wanted nothing more than to feel my knife gliding against his skin but now that he was Y/N's "friend" That wasn't an option. She walked beside me humming and I opened the car door for her. She got in and I smiled as I closed the door. Her presence was calming to me, and I felt better as I got into the front seat buckling my seatbelt. I started driving as I turned on some music. Y/N gasped.

"This is my favorite song!!" she said smiling widely.

"Well go ahead and sing!" I responded enthusiastically. She happily obliged and as I listened to her melodious voice I felt my emotions return to normal. We pulled up in front of her house and she hopped out.


"Yes, dear?"

"Do you want to come inside with me?" She asked. I blinked, momentarily speechless then relented.

"Of course darling," I replied and turned off the car. I opened the door, unbuckling my seatbelt simultaneously, and got out. I then proceeded the follow Y/N inside. She immediately went over to a drawer and pulled out a deck of cards. She spun around to face me.

"I challenge you!" She said excitedly.

"Oh? And what are playing?"

"Hmm... (Favorite card game)" She responded. I nod.

"Sounds good!" I say and sit on the floor. She sits across from me and deals the cards. We begin playing. We play for hours until the score of all the games we've played ends up tied.

"Let's play one more round! As a tiebreaker!" Y/N says. I agree and she deals one last round. I can't help but get distracted by how beautiful she looks. We finish the round and she wins.

"Yipee!!" She stands and bounces around. I chuckle and stand as well, I walk over to her and place my hands on her shoulders. She freezes and looks up at me cheeks slightly pink. I gaze down at her.

"Why, bragging isn't very nice mon Cherie" I tease. She giggles.

"Sorry Al-" she says.

"It's quite alright my dear!" I say. We stand there for a few seconds gazing at each other before she suddenly jumps onto her tiptoes. I stand there shocked as I feel her lips press against mine. My face turns red as I kiss back, my arms wrapping around her.

-Vox's POV-

I sit in the kitchen talking with Velvet and Val as Anthony fixes my door.

"He gets on my nerves. I hate him so much." I say angrily referring to Alastor.

"We know Vox" Velvet says "That's the third time in the last 15 minutes you've told us."

"I know, I know," I say. I look at Val who seems to be lost in thought. "Something on your mind babe?" (Yes Vox and Val are dating)

"I may have an idea on how to off Alastor. And it involves that new little "Friend" of yours." He says. I grin in response.

"Bring it on."

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora