New "friends"

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(Credits to the Collector for the idea of adding in Anthony/Angel)


Without realizing it, you ended up falling asleep again on Vox's couch. When you woke you looked around only to see Vox on the couch watching the T.V. You sit up and rub your eyes.

"Good rest Y/N?" Vox says, not looking away.

"Yes," You say happily and turn to what he's watching. It's the news. That doesn't much interest you so you try and strike up a conversation with Vox.

"So.. why did you decide to save me?"

"I couldn't let a lovely lady like yourself be forced to be with such a vile excuse for a human," he responds. You nod. Vox takes the remote and turns off the telly, he turns back to you and you two continue talking. He was nice. After a half hour, he pauses and thinks for a second.

"Would you like to be friends?" He says. You mull it over.

"Yes." you decided. He smiled.
"Wonderful. And just so you're aware I've invited my other friends over to meet you." You gulped. You didn't feel very comfortable meeting new people. And what if you didn't like them? You took a deep breath and decided to just suck it up.

-15 minutes later-

Vox had gone upstairs to get ready for his friends but he'd left you with a new book with which you were happily devouring the contents within. You'd just turned a page when you heard a knock at the door. Vox rushed to open in and in stepped three people. A girl, a guy, and a femboy. The guy was tall. Like at least 6'6. He had caramel skin, with dark brown straight short hair. He was wearing a collared shirt, with the top buttons undone, tight skinny jeans, and a pair of pink heart-shaped sunglasses. The girl on the other hand was short, with a short skirt, fishnet tights, and an off-shoulder short sleeve top. Her arms were crossed. She looked judgmental. The femboy was who was most interesting to you. He looked bored and was wearing a simple pair of jean shorts and a pink crop top. He was about the same height as Vox.

"Y/N, this is Valentino, Velvet, and Anthony!" Vox said, gesturing to each. "Val, Vel, Anth, This is Y/N"

Velvet looked you up and down and smirked, excahnging glances with Valentino who was doing the same. Valentino winked at you and you cringed, diverting your attention to Anthony, who gave you a bored smile.

"Val remind me again why I hafta be here?" He said. His accent sounded strange, a mix of New York and Italian.

"Because angel baby.. I said so..~" Val responded, a sharpness to his voice. Anthony sighed and nodded. It was clear he didn't have much choice in this matter. You walked over to him and smiled. He gave you a puzzled smile back. You and he walked to the living room and struck up a conversation while Vox, Velvet, and Valentino did their own thing. You learned he worked for Val as a stripper but he hated it. You also learned he had a pet pig, he was born into the mafia but escaped, he could speak Italian, and he had a best friend who you both knew called Cherri. Cherri was a good acquaintance of yours and you recalled she'd mentioned her best friend a few times. You and Anthony talked for a while and truly started becoming friends, eventually exchanging phone numbers.

"Y'know, you're pretty cool Y/N," Anthony said, nodding.

"You too!" You grinned.



You two smiled at each other before jumping at a loud crash that ran through the house.


We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now