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So here I was. This mysterious Hazbin Hotel. The urge was gone, but it was filled with an incredibly strong sense of familiarity. One that physically hurt. I introduced myself to everyone, and they all looked upset for some reason after I walked away from them. I surveyed my surroundings before introducing myself to some other- presumably clients- lollygagging around. The group of five followed me into the living room before the girl with the blue streaks in her hair stormed upstairs. I believe her name was- Y/N? The tall pink creature followed her along with the cat and the tiny girl. The princess and her girlfriend exchanged glances and walked off upstairs as well. I raised an eyebrow before melting in the shadows and following them all. This was quite interesting behavior and I wanted to investigate.

You walked into your room and sat on your bed before finally letting the tears fall. They trickled down your cheeks in hot salty streams. You were fucking upset. Your boyfriend, your love was downstairs and he didn't remember jack-fucking-shit. If 'god' wasn't dead already you'd have tortured him brutally- keeping him alive. He didn't deserve the mercy he got. Your skin crackled with electricity and you punched the wall with all your strength. Your fist went straight through the wall and you winced a bit, pulling it out of the wall and shaking out your hand. There was a knock at the door. You didn't want to talk to anyone right now but you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath before replying.

"Come in," you said stonily. Angel walked in with Husk and Nifty. Charlie and Vaggie followed. They all walked over and surrounded you. Angel sat next to you.

"How're you feelin' toots...?" he said gently, putting a hand on your back. You puffed out a breath.

"Perfectly fucking fine," you replied. Husk rolled his eyes.

"The steaming hole in the wall totally proves that. And you never cuss," he said gruffly, crossing his arms.

"I'm so sorry Y/N... I know you were hopeful he would remember you" Nifty chirped, looking up at you sadly.

"We're all here for you.." Vaggie said as Charlie nodded. You felt tears welling up again.

"I just... it's not FAIR!" you cried as the tears began to fall again. "We've been through so fucking much and it's all gone! Why can't I just fucking stay happy!" You buried your face into Angel's fluff, sobbing more. He comforted you.

"Well..." Charlie started. "Maybe you can get him to remember you by.. getting him to fall in love with you again." You lifted your head and rubbed your eyes.

"Do you really think that could work...?" you said softly. Charlie nodded encouragingly.

"I do!" she replied, clapping her hands together. You smiled slightly and nodded, wiping your tears and sitting up again.

"Okay... I'll try!"

I solidified from my shadow form and slowly made my way back into the lounge of the hotel. I sank into an armchair. This was some interesting information. Interesting indeed. It seemed I knew these people. I wracked my brain trying to remember but before anything came to me a burning pain filled my head. I let out a gasp and clutched my forehead. The pain slowly subsided. I blinked a couple of times before letting out a relieved breath. I narrowed my eyes. What was I thinking about again-? I shrugged and stood, walking to the kitchen to prepare a meal for my brand-new acquaintances.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang