Anthony = angel

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-Y/n pov-

You'd gotten Angel settled in, and you and he were tidying up the hotel. Charlie and Vaggie were practicing Charlie's speech. She was going onto the news tomorrow and Vaggie was trying to make sure the other demons took her seriously. You'd found out she was Lucifer's daughter, and for a demon that powerful, she let people walk all over her. The house was spotless. You and Angel collapsed on the couch, tired.
"So, your name is Y/N... right?" Angel asked.
"Yep!" you replied.

"But you got to hell a few years ago? How many exactly?"

"About five or six. But, before that, I was a ghost for a few years. My soul was, like- tethered to earth. But then when my love died I came here." you nodded. Angel looked thoughtful for a second.

"Listen here, now dontcha ever go telling anyone this, I changed my name for a reason. But.. when I was alive I went by Anthony. I died of a drug overdose and worked for Val." He looked into your eyes for any sign of recognition and, sure enough, there it was. You gasped.
"Anthony?? Oh my god- I watched you- when I was a ghost I mean, I watched you die. I couldn't help or anything and- oh this is amazing! Not that you died but- y'know-" you ranted. He laughs

"Y/N calm the fuck down- " he said. You took a breath and hugged him.

"Sorry. I missed you"

"Same here toots. Ya found lover boy yet?" you shake your head.

"Nope," you replied.
"Damn." He said. "Well, you'll find him eventually. For now, I hope I'm good enough." He strikes a pose and you laugh.
"More than good enough. Glad to have you back."

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now