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(Sorry I haven't been updating, I was on spring break, then I had to get ready for testing -idiot)

!!T.W GORE!!


The afternoon was warm and calming as you made your way down a bustling sidewalk. Shops lined the sides of the street on either side. Alastor had left earlier that day and you wanted some time to yourself. You spotted your favorite bakery and walked in. You ordered (Favorite bakery item) and paid. You took your food and decided to sit down in a corner. You had just begun eating when you heard the bell on the door jingle. It was... Vox. He was on a call with someone. You instinctively shrunk back into the shadows. You weren't sure why but you felt the conversation was something you needed to listen to.

"I know I know Val." He said into the phone. "Y/N is so naive this plan is bound to work." You stiffened at the sound of your name. You furrowed your brows and continued listening.

"Alastor is going to finally get the karma he deserves... The "secret" Murderer will not be so secret soon. Y/N'll be able to jail him in a heartbeat. She's too pure not to!" He laughed. Your heart stopped. Alastor..? A murderer? It can't be.. And why were you part of this? You narrowed your eyes and watched Vox buy a box of beignets and leave. You slowly ate your dessert, mulling over the possibilities. You were going to prove to yourself and others that Alastor wasn't a murderer. He was simply too nice. You finished eating and stood, briskly walking out.

-Time skip, Night-

You stepped out of your house, in full detective mode. The murderer most likely only killed at night.. right? So all that had to be done was a bunch of sneaking and observing. You looked down at your outfit. It was a simple black hoodie -hood pulled up with black leggings. You'd tied a black bandana around your face as a makeshift mask. You clutched your notepad and pen and headed off. You made your way into town and started silently walking around, keeping an eye open for anything suspicious. You'd been walking for hours and were about to bail and head home when you heard humming coming from somewhere around you. You gasped. This was it. Something suspicious. You looked around for any weapon you could use and spotted a baseball bat laying in someone's front yard. That worked. You picked it up and headed towards the humming, bracing yourself for a sight that would traumatize you. You peeked into the alleyway and were not disappointed. There you saw a figure, dressed in all back wearing a mask that covered the face, only leaving the mouth exposed. The lips were set in a wide eerie grin and it looked like something suspiciously like blood was dripping down the chin, starting from the mouth. You gagged and lowered your gaze slightly. There you saw a body like you knew you would. The body seemed to be missing several limbs and there was a pool of blood under it. The person continued humming and you quickly moved to the back of the alley so you were stationed behind it. You peered at the back of the person, who now seemed to be dissecting the body. You took a deep breath and silently padded behind the person, raising your bat, they barely had time to swivel before you brought it down full-force, knocking them out cold. You dropped the bat and averted your eyes from the limbless body, kneeling beside the unconscious figure, making sure to avoid any blood. You'd done what nobody else could. You'd caught the mass murderer.. all that was left to do is unmask them.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now