Pfft loser

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You held your camera, snapping photos as Vox did what he came to do. People were screaming, terrified. You watched as he strutted up to the tellers, two guns in his hands, pointed at the heads of them both. People around you reached for their phones, most likely to call the cops. You ignored this, completely focused on Vox and taking pictures.

"All the money you can give me," Vox says as he slaps a big bag on the counter. "Now. Reach for the emergency button and there will be consequences." This was the point where you started taking a video. The terrified tellers quickly grabbed the bag and began stuffing it. Vox's eyes looked satisfied and all his attention was on the tellers. You knew now was your chance. It was incredibly risky, yes, but you trusted your reflexes. You quickly and quietly stood up and began inching your way toward Vox, taking incredible care to keep out of his peripheral vision. Luckily for you, that was mainly obscured by the mask. You kept your camera pointed at Vox as you arrived behind him and slowly started reaching for his mask. You pulled it off and ducked, just as he spun around and fired a gun, missing you but hitting an innocent bystander. You felt bad but now was not the time. You felt your adrenaline pumping as you quickly ran back to your corner, keeping your camera pointed at his face. He glared at you and you gulped. With Vox distracted, one of the bank tellers quickly lunged and hit the emergency button. Alarms started blaring and Vox's focus immediately shifted from you and to the predicament he was now in. In less than 3 minutes the authorities arrived and rushed in, swarming the place. You smirked as you looked around for Vox, expecting to see him handcuffed and at the mercy of the officers... but the problem was, you didn't see him at all. He was gone! He had managed to escape! You had truly underestimated his ability to escape. But you still had the camera. You had the camera, which meant you had all the evidence you needed, which meant there was no way he was going to stay a free man much longer. You tucked the camera safely into your pocket and walked out, satisfied. Everything was going according to plan.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now