Knocked out

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I stared at my sister, my eyes filling with tears at what had been done to her. She broke character years ago, and had been taken away. That's part of the reason I never rebelled. I wanted to find her, and I didn't want to end up like her. My blood boiled, and I tore my gaze away from her, focusing instead on 'god'. He lied to me. He said he'd free me if I trapped Alastor and Y/N. He said he'd give me back my family! I never wanted any of this to happen. I never wanted my afterlife to become... well... this! I could feel my anger rising and I decided I needed to take action.

"ATTACK ALREADY YOU USELESS MONSTER" 'god' yelled, not noticing as I snuck up behind him. I knew my sister wouldn't attack. Not  as long as I was here. I silently grabbed a chair and raised it over my head. I took a deep breath and slammed the chair over 'gods' head as hard as I possibly good. God fell, unconscious, as the chair splintered in my hands. I let it fall and punched in the code to the cage. The glass slid open and Alastor and Y/N stepped out. My sister looked at the open door and stepped out, her monstrous eyes glued to my face. I ran over and gave her a huge hug, squeezing her tightly as my eyes filled with tears.

"My god.. paisley what have they done to you..?!" I mumbled. Y/N walked over to me, concerned.

"Lesley..-? are you okay?"

"y/n, love, must we talk to the traitor?" Alastor hissed, his eyes narrowed and glued to me.

"I-I'm sorry...-" I croaked out. "He promised me freedom-... I couldn't turn that down..-" Alastor let out a breath.

"I know she made a mistake Al.. but we gotta give her a chance." Y/n said and took Alastors hand.

"fine." He sighed.

"Thank you both.." I said gratefully. "We should go... god isn't going to stay down forever" Y/N and alastor both nodded and walked off with me, my sister trailing along.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now