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Dead. He was dead. The man you had loved in life and death, was dead. Gone. But right now, you had bigger problems. This alternate heaven was literally crumbling around you. Lesley grabbed your arm and hoisted you up. You shakily stood up and walked away from Alastor's body, resisting the urge to look back.

"What do we do?" you asked, determination replacing the sadness in your eyes. You could grieve later. Lesley thought for a moment.

"Sleep," she answered. Everyone stared at her in disbelief.

"Sleep?! What the fuck is that gonna do?!" husk said, annoyed.

"I agree wit' husk, da fuck?" Anthony agreed, crossing his arms. Lesley huffed out a breath.

"We should wake up in hell, that's what the fuck." she replied.

"That seems pretty far fetches..." You said quietly. "If it fails, we die." Lesley nodded her head.

"I know, but I'm certain about this." You sighed before looking at the crowd.

"Everyone, find a place to sleep, and make sure to fall asleep quickly! Disperse!" rumbles of confusion and obedience rippled through the crowd as everyone walked off. You and your friends all walked back to the white house and into your rooms, the absence of the reformed radio demon very much present. You collapsed onto your bed, and closed your tear-filled eyes, before curling up into the fetal position. All you wanted was your boyfriend, here with you, comforting you, cuddling you. But now, that was impossible. You wiped your eyes before falling into a nightmare-filled sleep.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now