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"I want to make a deal with you!" Y/N said behind me. My ears immediately perked up and my grin widened significantly. MY intimidating aura pulsed around me threatening as i turned to face Y/N.
"A D̷͕̥̞͖͗ȩ̶̛̛̳͙́̓ä̶̙͈̥̮̔̔͑l̷̥̞̻͔͌̔̓ ̸̢̍ you say?" I said. Static pulsed a little stronger around my voice, but surprisingly she stood strong. No fear in her I could detect. Admirable, I did have to admit. "Well that can be e̷͖̕a̵̖͒s̶̖͋i̷͍͠l̴̢̒ỹ̴̧ ̶̪̏a̷̰͝ř̴̼r̵͂ͅa̴͖͠n̴̫̄g̵͚̊e̷͕̐ď̷̹ ̸̡̈́" She nodded in reply.

"Here are the conditions. You have to hang out with me when I ask, we will be friends. For a month i will be untouchable, but after that, whenever you deem ready, you can take my soul if you choose to." She said, laying everything out plain and simple. I narrowed my eyes, tapping my chin dramatically and truly thinking it over. I couldn't for the life of me think why she'd want to be friends with me. It was very suspicious. But on the other hand, if she did choose to betray me after the month, I could simply take her soul. It seemed like a good deal. I grinned and held out my hand. The air around us instantly became thicker, darker, and heavier. Neon green surrounded us as well as numerous voodoo symbols.

"S̷̠͈͇͙̔̃͠ô̷̧͇̥̝͖̲̘̊̿̓͊ ̵̻͖̤̔͊́ͅi̶̧̦̹̯̘̹̋̃͒̆͘̕t̴̘̘̱̑̑̐͆̈́̚'̶͈͌̂͋̀͊s̸̭̙̟̻̈́͋̊͝ ̶̧͓̫̹͈̓́͛͗͐̌̚͜å̶̞͎̹̗͑͊̆̚͠͝ ̸̗̯̯̍̿̒͘͠d̴͎̺͉̈͌̔̓͆͋̓e̷̘̹̩̰̳̗̩̿̓͘ͅa̸͔͇̠̭͌͌͆̈̀l̸̨͍̞̲̤͉̝̈̈́̃͌͐̇͐̚ ̸͈͇̹̺̘̎̍̅̅̚̕͝t̴̛̠͇̬̭͌h̵̳̗̤͑̋͆̃͠ͅe̴̢̡̞̝̮̝̻͒̓̈́͆́͠ͅn̸̳̝͕̺̥̚?̶̪̪̣̆͛̅̇͐̅̕̚ ̶͕̦̤̗̓͑̎̅̕̚ (So it's a deal then?)" I said, my voice crackling intensely; She flinched. There it was. There was the fear I was looking for, and it was simply delicious. She steeled her gaze again, taking my hand and firmly shaking it.

"Deal," she stated. Voodoo symbols surrounded our entwined hands as well as small green chains, sealing the deal before everything disappeared. I straightened myself up, brushing off nonexistent dust on my outfit and looking down on her with a sinister smirk.

"Very well~" I grinned. "Let the games begin~!"

-Third person-

Y/N hadn't thought about the deal when she made it. At all. Whatsoever. But so far it had been going absolutely swimmingly! It was two days into Y/N and Alastors 'friendship' and they had already been forming a fairly close bond. Alastor found y/n intriguing, much more than the average sinner. She was kind, but she could also be fierce without worrying about others too much. Alastor appreciated her spunk. On another topic, Alastor had recently been getting more and more splitting headaches. Everyone had noticed him clutching his head often when he was hanging out without Y/N there. He didn't always remember the headaches either which he found quite suspicious, considering the circumstances, -especially when others pointed his abnormal behavior out to him. For now, he figured he'd just deal with things as they came. Y/N and Alastor were currently wandering around the hotel garden. It was one of the only properly green and colorful things in hell. Y/N loved it and she was running around picking flowers and weaving awful entwined flower crowns. Alastor was simply watching her. Flowers had never liked him ever since he came to hell. If he so much as bushed one it would immediately wilt. Even Alastor had to admit this was nice. as close to the earth and peace as anyone here was ever gonna get. Y/N skipped back over and sat on the stone bench next to him before happily continuing to weave her flower crown. Alastor's smile became a tad bit more genuine as he watched her.

"Y/N darling? I have something to ask you... is it normal to have absolutely no glimpses of your past human life aside from how you died? Y/N perked up at the question and she furrowed her brows.

"It's not the rarest thing ever but it certainly isn't uncommon. It might be a little weird with your power but it all depends on you. I remember all of mine." Alastor sighed in response to that. "why do you ask?" Y/N continued.

"I don't know, It's just that I can't remember much of mine, and every time I try I get these splitting headaches," he said wearily, rubbing his head. Y/N furrowed her brows.

"Oh dear- that doesn't sound great," She remarked with a frown before setting one of the flower crowns on his head. It immediately wilted and died but she paid it no mind, continuing to add little details to hers. Alastor's smile softened as she did so, bringing a hand up to where the flower crown lay.

"No... it's not... Y/N, dear, I'm afraid I must be going. I remembered I have a few things to take care of tonight. Ta ta!" he said, before disappearing. Y/N smiled. Alastor was completely unaware she had been observing him the entire time, His little genuine smiles, his happiness. She loved it all. Things were just seeming to start to go back to how they were. The only problem she had noticed was the headaches she heard him mention. Those seemed suspicious, he stated they always happened when he tried thinking about his human life. It was likely a precaution, set by 'god' to torment Alastor even after they'd both been killed. She sighed and placed the flower crown on her head before standing and walking into the hotel.


Y/N was making me feel strange. I felt a connection with her that I'd never felt anywhere else. Anywhere but a distant tugging in the back of my mind, a sense of familiarity. But before I could grasp onto it It was pulled out of my grasp and replaced with more pain. I hated it. I hated it so much. I appeared in my room after teleporting away from Y/N. I began pacing. It had always been something to help me think, and think I was trying to do. Only it wasn't working. The blockage I'd been sensing had spread, to the point where my thoughts were completely jumbled and incomprehensible. It was awful. I couldn't take it anymore. I lay on my bed and grabbed my staff, hitting myself in the head and knocking myself out for the time being. I could deal with this later.


3 weeks into the deal. 3 weeks and you were making progress with Alastor but it just never seemed to be enough to properly get out of the friendzone. You were grasping at straws at this point. You did know you were Alastor's best friend here, but that didn't mean a lot when there was something so very clearly off about him. You could see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice, and even notice it through his actions. You were this close to giving up but you couldn't. Not without losing your boyfriend forever. You sighed. You seriously needed something to clear your head and you knew just where to get it. The bar. You walked up and ordered a shot of whiskey. It was stronger than anything you usually had but today you needed it. Husk frowned at you worriedly and slid it over. You shot it down, coughing a bit from the backburn.

"You... Doin' okay kid-?" he said. You sighed.

"I guess, but I've been trying with Alastor for weeks and he just- doesn't remember! I'm going fucking insane husk, I WANT AL BACK!" You slammed a fist on the counter, your eyes glowing blue and your skin crackling for a second before you calmed down. You laid your head on the table and quietly muttered

"I want my Al back..."


Your eyes had just drooped closed tiredly, three empty shot glasses lying in front of you, when suddenly you heard a pair of clacking footsteps and a weight sitting on the stool next to you.

"One gin and tonic please, husker my dear fellow!" a voice said. You immediately sat up.

"Al-! What are you doing here-?" you said, staring at him. He looked back at you quizzically.

"Simply enjoying a drink darling."

"Right- y-yeah- I knew that-!" You replied. He hummed in response, taking the drink husk had given him and sipping on it contentedly. You continued staring as a plan began to formulate in your fairly-intoxicated mind.

"Say Alastor.." You said mischievously. He looked at you in acknowledgment. "Whaddya say we play a little game?

(WHOO! EXTRA LONG CHAPTER DONE! and 1,477 words! Yay! So I'm probably gonna wrap this fic up in the next 2-5 chapters, it seems over to me and frankly, I'm bored of it, but I might make a different fanfic sometime in the future! And comment down below what you thought of the first 4 episodes of Hazbin. Personally, they were the greatest things I've ever seen in my life and I love Alastor and how he's just a sassy-ass psycho.. anyways lmk! Love you all! -idiot)

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