The job

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-Time skip, Monday-

You walk into the radio shack at exactly 7:55 and look around. It's your first day on the job and you're ecstatic. Barbara waves to you.

"Y/N! Hello! I was hoping it'd be you! Head on to the broadcasting room, Mr. Alastor is in there already setting up!" she says. You nod and happily walk to the broadcasting room. Alastor look up from the papers he was holding.

"Y/N! So good to see you! We'll start with the news and then play some songs!" He says happily.

"That sounds wonderful!" You sit in the seat next to him and he hands you some papers.

"That's the news. We can deliver it any way we want," he explains while setting up a second microphone for you.

"Got it!" You nod. He grins

"Live in 3, 2, 1" He turns to the microphone.

"Hello and good morning New Orleans! Today I'm joined by my new assistant Y/N!"

"uh- Hello!" You hesitantly say into the microphone. Alastor gives you a reassuring nod and a charming smile. You feel heat rise to your cheeks and quickly look away.

"We have a recent update about the serial killer that's been running amok. The police discovered three bodies yesterday, but they were unable to find evidence. The people killed were Richard Mongrel, Anita Charming, and Candice Franco." Your eyes widen and you let out a silent gasp. Anita was your favorite cousin! And.. she was dead?! You looked back at Alastor who was still talking, going into detail. You looked back at the paper and furrowed your brows. That's strange.. some of the things he was saying weren't on the paper. And.. Alastor seemed unbothered. Talking about murder grinning like always. Maybe even wider than normal. He looked at you and you two locked eyes. Deep inside the chestnut color, you saw darkness. It scared you.

"Oh no.." you said into the microphone. "What kind of monster would do this?"

Alastor laughed. "Well im not sure darling but they sure are doing a good job evading capture!"

Hours later, Alastor ended the broadcast and stretched.

"That was quite fun!" You only nodded in response, your mind racing with questions.  Was he the killer? Were you next? What had you gotten yourself into? You snapped out of it as you heard your name. "

Huh-?" you looked around. Alastor raised an eyebrow.

"Y/N I've been calling your name for two minutes now."

"Oh.. Right.. yes?" Alastor smiled.

"I was asking if you would like to go for a walk. I'd like to better get to know my co-host!" you narrowed your eyes slightly. This seemed like a bad idea yet you still felt inclined to accept.

"Uhm.. sure.."

"Swell!" Alastor grinned and put on a brown, high collared, trenchcoat. It suited him well you thought as you pulled on your own (F/C) jacket.

"Ready my dear?"

"Yep!" you replied. Alastor draped an arm around your shoulder and lead you out for the walk.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now