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(Sorry y'all idk how a trial works and the closest reference I have is legally blonde so this whole chapter will be very inaccurate -Idiot)


You sat in front of the jury and judge. You were at your trial. You could see Val, Velvet, and Anthony -who looked like he was at figurative gunpoint to be here- sitting where the witnesses were. You were even more screwed. You listened as the judge questioned the witnesses and conferred with the jury, you could feel your palms sweating, your blood pumping. Freedom? You'd soon forget the meaning of the word. Cold sweat ran down your spine as the judge banged her gavel.

"Order in the court! Silence! The jury and I have made our decision!" the judge said. You clenched your fists, your whole body tense with anticipation.
"After careful consideration and conversation, we have declared Miss Y/N L/N..." Time stood still. You couldn't breathe. Your brain was buzzing and you felt like at any moment you would begin floating. Time restarted.

"Guilty! We have decided death row is the most appropriate punishment. Her sentence will be carried out a week from now! Court dismissed!" The air fled from your lungs. Death row? You'd expected years in prison but not this! Never this! You were numb. Too stunned to talk, or function on anything but autopilot. You were going to die. You were going to die and there was nothing you could do about it, you were resigned. Hopeless. All you could think about now was what was going to happen to the people you cared about. Especially since you were dying because of a murder you'd allegedly committed. And were you going to hell or were you good enough to get into heaven? You took a deep shuddering breath. The first of the limited amount you had left. You felt your heart pumping, the sensations every nerve gave you. It's only now that you knew you had limited time that you were so aware of the miracle of the human body. You felt yourself being dragged out and you mindlessly went along with them, absorbed in thoughts that were soon to be your last.

It'd been a week. You'd been brought your last meal and could barely force yourself to eat. You were being escorted in handcuffs to the execution area. You knew that wasn't its official name but that's what it was to you. You were sat in a chair and strapped in. A helmet-like object was placed on your head. So they chose the electric chair you thought, looking at an audience that had come to watch you being murdered. You thought of Alastor. You were both glad and upset he hadn't come. Val was there, and so was Velvet, along with a lot of people you didn't know. The executioner gives a speech you didn't bother listening to. You were calm. You had long since accepted your fate and now you were more or less excited for what came next. You heard the lever being pulled and the last thing you saw was a familiar figure in a suit lunging towards you and being held back. Tears streamed down his face, and you gave a small sad smile.

"I will always come back.." You mumbled as you felt a massive jolt and it all faded to black.

(I hope none of you all knew where this was going at any point in time because I love making plot twists -idiot)

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