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"So that's why rehabilitation is the best possible solution, and why everyone here should try it!!" Charlie said excitedly. Everyone in the hotel had just sat through an hour-long speech about how amazing rehabilitation is. The only people actually listening were you and Vaggie. Husk left midway through, nifty had been scrubbing at a small stain on the floor the whole time, Alastor tried to look engaged and polite but it wasn't hard to tell he wasn't interested, and Angel had just fallen asleep. Though the idea of this wasn't exciting to the rest, becoming an angel was an idea that had crawled its way into your brain and lay there. It was something you actually wanted to do. The only problem was that everyone you loved was down here! Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Angel. Charlie was hell-born. She couldn't be rehabilitated and of course, Vaggie was going to stay with her. Alastor enjoyed being evil. He was powerful here and feared. He wouldn't leave either. Now Angel might possibly want to, but he was tied down to Valentino by a soul-binding contract. He couldn't leave. Not yet anyway. Everybody dispersed, and you went with Alastor. You followed him to the library, still buried in the thought of becoming a better person.

"Penny for your thoughts, darling?" Alastor said, nudging you.

"Well... I was just thinking... y'know about this whole rehabilitation thing..."
"What about it?"
"That it might not be such a bad idea. I mean heaven sounds great..."

"But Darling, hell can be splendid!"

"Because YOU are all-powerful. Us normals do not always have a great time here."
"I suppose that could be true." he shrugs. "If you are truly serious about this I MAY try alongside you."

You broke into a smile, "Really?"

"Yes. BUT that still is a maybe."
"Understood," you said happily. He chose out books for you both, and you started reading together in silence.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now