Chapter 20: A new family

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So what happened afterwards? Well, for a while, The Lamb and Narinder were able to be happy finally, with bishops having their parts back and everything dealt with, everyone was happy, well everyone except Midas. Once he woke he was greeted by disappointed Leshy who wanted him to be dead, "You would have been great fertilizer!" he complained.

"Oh Leshy..." Milo replied, "Don't be sad, he might not help the plants that way but...I'm sure The Lamb wouldn't mind making him helpful some other way."

Leshy perked up at that, and gave Midas a wide grin, "Oh, you're going to be real useful!"

Other than that, it seemed everyone found their place, Heket found joy in cooking, Kallamar working in the medbay, Leshy farming with Milo, and Shamura worked with the kids and knitting, "I forgot how much I missed taking care of little ones, you should have seen Narinder when he was small." they told The Lamb, "He had this pink blanket I made for him, he wouldn't let anyone touch it because he thought they would hurt it."

Narinder covered his face out of embarrassment, "You can stop now," he muttered.

Aym and Baal were reunited with their mom who was overjoyed and agreed to shared parenting with Narinder. Narinder was starting to think he could even consider her a friend now.

Narinder was really starting to like his new life, despite not being a god anymore he was...comfy.

He leans in and kisses The Lamb's forehead as they were walking through the woods near the cult. No, it wasn't DarkWood, this forest was much smaller, and safer.

As they walked, Narinder looked around at the beautiful flowers and trees. Leshy would hate what he did next, he plucked a flower, one of those tiny common flowers you could find in your backyard, right out of the ground, and placed it into The Lamb's fur.

The Lamb giggled and blushed as they placed their head onto Narinder's shoulder.

Narinder grabbed The Lamb's cheeks and pulled him, wanting a kiss, but that was stopped when they both suddenly heard...crying...not just crying, it sounded like a very upset baby.

The Lamb pulled away and looked around, "Narinder, do you hear that?" they asked.

Narinder didn't answer, instead, he went to where the crying was coming from. He moved the leaves out of the way and it led to a small clearing. In the middle of it was a small basket, a blanket placed inside. Narinder slowly crept over and peered inside. He saw a tiny baby, too tiny.

The Lamb walked over and peered inside too, "Oh Narinder...what is it?"

Now that might have seemed rude but The Lamb had a good reason to say it. The baby wasn't any animal they had seen. It wasn't a bird, or lizard, a house, or dog.

The Lamb picked up the baby and cradled them in their arms. Their body was wrapped in a blanket but from what they could see of their head, it was bare except for the top of their head.

The Lamb touched the top, it wasn't fur or feathers, it felt more...silky?

Narinder was staring in shock? Fear? The Lamb couldn't read his expression, not that it mattered.

"What are you?" The Lamb muttered as they let the little one play with their finger, "You're adorable..." Narinder gently grabbed the baby from The Lamb and rocked them gently, "Narinder?" The Lamb asked, "Have you ever....seen anything like them?"

Narinder was silent for a while, "No...I haven't...but they're beautiful..."

The Lamb looks away, "Narinder...have you...wanted another kid?"

Narinder freezes, "I love kids you?"

The Lamb smiles and Narinder blushes. "Well...I guess if you want...I would love it too."

The Lamb kisses Narinder and grabs his hand, pulling him back to the cult, "I can't wait to tell everyone about our new child! They'll probably see them as the baby Jesus or something!"

Narinder smiles and walks off with them, baby in hand, in a new, big, family.

The End

"Divine bond." Narinder x The LambWhere stories live. Discover now