Chapter 13: Gift

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"Sozo, for the last time, you can't eat the mushroomos," The Lamb explains, annoyed.

Sozo just laughs, "Sozo will never stop! You would have to lock Sozo up! But I know Lamb would never do that to Sozo! Lamb loves Sozo!" Sozo then runs off, waving his arms, clearly smelling colors and hearing shapes.

The Lamb sighs and walks off. They look around the cult: Heket was cooking, Leshy was farming, only to stop for a minute to kiss Milo's head, Kallamar was at the medbay, someone was sick, and Shamura was...staring off into space muttering to themselves. The Lamb looked around more, searching for Narinder, but he was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he was fishing again? He checked the temple first, just making sure he wasn't there before heading to pilgrims' passage. The Lamb pulled out a package; he had a gift for Narinder that he wanted to give to him, he had it made while he was at AnchorDeep with Kallamar.

However, when they got there, he wasn't there either. The Lamb frowned. Where else would he be? No Madas's cave, he didn't seem to like them. Why would he go to Spore Grotto? Perhaps he's at Smuggler's Sanctuary, changing up where he fishes, however, Narinder always likes to look at the sunset while he fishes so why change that? The only place left that he could be is the Lonely Shack. The Lamb quickly left, praying to...while they guessed him...that he was there.

The Lamb opened the doors and saw Narinder, sitting at the table, shaking dice. Ratau's brows were furrowed; he clearly was thinking hard. The Lamb smiled, "Nari! There you are!" Narinder didn't seem to hear them, but Ratau looked up and waved, "Narinder!!" The Lamb yelled louder.

Narinder heard them that time and turned around, "Oh! Lambie! Hey." Narinder puts down their dice, "Sorry, I think my hearing has started to get worse, but my luck is getting better!"

Ratau smiled, "Yeah, he already bet me twice, I owe him 40 coins."

The Lamb smiled, "Well, I'm glad you two are getting along. Narinder, I made you something," they handed it to Narinder.

Narinder raised an eyebrow as he grabbed it gently, "Oh? What is it?" He gently opened the package.

"I know it's a very girlish color, but I thought it would look good on you," The Lamb explains as Narinder pulls out a pink shirt paired with a black leather jacket.

Narinder stared at it for a while, and The Lamb started getting nervous, "Sorry, I probably should've known the old god of death wouldn't want-" The Lamb was cut off when they noticed Narinder's blind third eye start to water, "Narinder? You okay?"

Narinder wiped it away and smiled, "It's perfect, Lamb. Thank you."

The Lamb sighed out in relief and smiled at him, "You're welcome, Narinder."

Narinder tucked it back into the box and rolled his dice again, "I win," he said, and Ratau laughed.

"Good game, boy," he then reached into his pocket and pulled out 10 coins, handing it to Narinder.

Narinder tucked them away with a satisfied smile. The Lamb looks away, "Hey, Ratau, can I talk to you? Privately?"

Ratau looks up, "Sure, Lamb. One moment, Narinder." He gets up, and the two head outside.

When outside, The Lamb took a deep breath, "Ratau, I...I think I'm in love..."

Ratau's eye widened, but after a few seconds, his face softened, a smile creeping onto his face. "Ah, Lamb, it's Narinder, isn't it? I've seen the way you look at him."

The Lamb nodded, feeling relief at finally admitting their feelings. "Yes, it's Narinder. I never thought I could feel this way about someone, especially not after...him...when I defeated him...I thought he would forever hate me...but now..." The Lamb covers their face, "Oh god...I don't know if I should tell him."

Ratau puts a hand on The Lamb's shoulder, " and my partner had some...history before we got together...and when me and my fox met again for the first time in years...I hated the shit out of him...but once he proved to me...he changed...I could no longer hate him...and yeah, you weren't in the wrong for anything, but my and your issue are similar, and you're already halfway there....he no longer hates you...he is keeping your gift! And sure..he might you...but you'll never know unless you try...."

The Lamb looks at Ratau and smiles, "You think?"

"I know."

The Lamb takes a deep breath, "Okay... thanks..."

Ratau gives him a smile, "Of course, Lamb...of course."

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