Chapter 12: Family

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"Nari!~" The Lamb yells as they run to him, arms outstretched, relieved smile on their face. Narinder smiles as they open their arms and The Lamb slams into him, "Are you ok!? Do your ears hurt?"

"J-Just one. But it's fine," Narinder answers.

"No! It's not! We are going to the medbay!" The Lamb grabs Narinder's arm and pulls him along.

Narinder looks over at Kallamar who says, "You know. Now that I can hear and don't need a Heket to be my translator anymore. I can help with the medical stuff."

The Lamb thinks, "Sure! You were the god of pestilence once." They then continue pulling Narinder, Kallamar follows.

Upon reaching the medbay, The Lamb takes charge, pushing Narinder onto a bed and insisting that he lie down while they fetch a medic. Kallamar sits on a nearby chair, "So why are you so worried? A bit of a sore ear or something?"

The Lamb looks around the things in the medbay, "Every single time he comes back from one of the adventures, he gets some permanent damage to that body part. For Leshy it was an eye, for Heket it the throat, and for you, it's going to be the ear."

"Ooh, so that's why he bumps into things and can't talk sometimes now...huh..." Kallamar laughs, "A bit of karma huh? Alright, give me a light."

The Lamb turns, "A light?"

" know...a small light so I can look in the ear," Kallamar explains.

The Lamb just blinks, "We don't...we have lamps?"

Kallamar chuckles, shaking his head. "No, not a lamp. I mean a medical otoscope, a tool to examine the ear canal and eardrum. It'll help me see if there's any damage."

The Lamb just stares blankly, "A oto-what-now?"

Kallamar sighs, "Right...Right, my cult was far more medically advanced than most, I forgot." Kallamar shakes his head, "Just get me a....a lamp..."

"Alright!" The Lamb runs off.

"Do they just solve everything with Carmilla's here?" Kallamar asks.

"Um..." Narinder thinks, "Yeah...I think so...that's all I ever see them use."

Kallamar leans back in the chair he was in, "Still not used to hearing things again. It's nice though so far, even if I only have one ear."

"Yeah...and I'm about to lose mine..." Narinder sighs.

"Oh come on, if it's like the last two times it won't be bad. Maybe just a tad bit of hearing loss,” Kallamar says.

Narinder shrugs and sits up, “Yeah…either way I’ll deal with it.”

The Lamb then returns with a lamp, “Here!” They hand it to Kallamar who takes it and slowly leans in closely to look at Narinder’s ear.

“Alright, stay still,” Kallamar says as he looks around, “It’s a good thing your ears are big. I don't think a lamp would have worked otherwise.”

Narinder rolls his eyes, “Hurry up.”

Kallamar pokes around but came back out, shrugging his shoulders, “I don't see anything wrong. How do your ears feel?”

Narinder shrugs, “Just kinda…hurts?”

“Huh ... well um..there are other things I could do but…if they don't even have otoscopes here so I highly doubt they have anything else I need,” Kallamar says, frowning.

“I-I make them! What do you need?” The Lamb asks.

“You can't just make them, by the time you're done his hearing would probably be lost. How long does it usually take?” Kallamar asks.

"Divine bond." Narinder x The LambWhere stories live. Discover now