Chapter 17: Fight

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It probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but at that moment Narinder also probably didn’t care.

There are the facts:
Narinder came to the correct conclusion that this was Midas's doing.
He got up and yelled his name causing Midas to pop up, laughing his ass off.
Narinder promptly slashed at his face, missing.

“Oh Narinder, you fool, you can't just easily kill the new bearer of the red crown!” Midas says, holding his arms out at his sides as the crown forms on his head. Narinder stares at it in fear as Midas laughs more, “Now! Watch all the riches will be mine! And anyone in my way will perish! Starting with you!” The crown turns into a sword as Midas swings it at Narinder who jumps out of the way.

“Damn it, where's my scythe when I need it!?” Narinder asked as he looked around for a weapon. There's not much of anything, the whole floor was just covered in coins and golden statues and they couldn't do much of anything.

Midas swung at Narinder again. Narinder dodged causing Midas to hit the statues behind him instead. Narinder picked up one of them and chucked it at him, however Midas just broke it in half with his sword.

"Shit..." Narinder looks around before spotting a small golden dagger poking out of a pile of coins. Narinder leaps for it, pulling it out, "Alright stay steady..." he watches as Midas tries to pull his sword out of the statue, it was perfect, he was distracted. Narinder aimed and ran at him, dagger aimed for Midas's head.

In a split second, the world seemed to slow as Narinder's blade sliced through the air. But at the last moment, Midas managed to pull his sword free and raised it in an attempt to block the incoming attack.

The clash of metal echoed through the chamber as Narinder's dagger collided with Midas's sword, sparks flying in all directions.

"I'm going to kill you!" Narinder yelled, "I'm going to kill you for taking the only light in my life!!" Narinder, though no longer a god, seemed to summon the strength of 1000 men and knock Midas's sword away, turning it back into the crown. It hit the floor with a loud thud, Midas dived for it but Narinder grabbed him by the skin of his neck, "You took my lamb!

Narinder threw Midas across the room, "They gave me my family back!"

He pinned the dagger to the wall next to Midas, "He gave me a second chance!"

Narinder gets close to Midas, grabbing his face, "I'm not letting them just die like that!!"

Narinder pulled the dagger out of the wall and aimed it for Midas's chest, but Midas grabs his hand and throws him off. Narinder falls to the floor and Midas got up, grabbing a golden rock, he was panicked as he lifted it above his head, "You spoke too soon!" he says as he brings the rock down to Narinder's face, time seemed to slow and before it hits, everything stops. Narinder's eyes widen as Midas falls to his side, he had been hit with something. The rock broke when it hits the floor.

There, Narinder saw his siblings, Heket had Narinder's scythe in her hands, Narinder immediately put two and two together, his siblings had saved him.

Heket reaches out a hand and Narinder grabs it, she pulls him up, "Are you ok?" she asks.

Narinder pants, his voice giving out from all the yelling so he just shakes his head.

Shamura grabs Midas's knocked out body and spits some of their web into his arms and legs, tying them together, "So he can't go anywhere when he wakes."

Kallamar immediately grabs Narinder and inspects him, "Are you in pain? Anything feel wrong?"

Narinder shakes his head, he felt fine.

Leshy stares at Midas, "You know if he doesn't wake we could use his body as proper fertilizer."

Shamura shakes their head, "Leave that to The Lamb...talking about The Lamb where-" Narinder didn't bother to hear the rest of the sentence had he remembered The Lamb.

He ran and picked up the red crown. He runs back and places it on the golden statue head, hoping that maybe it would turn him back to doesn't. Narinder felt tears prick up, "Damned Lamb...damned...lamb..."

Shamura walks up and puts a hand on his back, "Is this...them?" they ask.

"It's...all that's left..." Narinder hugs the legs of the statue as they fall to the ground.

Shamura hugs Narinder as he cries, and soon there were more arms, all red, green, blue, and purple.

Narinder leans into the touches as he starts to slightly purr, tears fall. His poor lamb...

It was silent for a while...before Shamura's eyes shoot open, "Wait! I think I know how to turn them back!!"

Narinder's tear-streaked face turned towards Shamura, "What do you mean?" he asked.

Shamura closes their eyes, "I remember...yes I remember....we need...we need bones and water! Come on! No time to waste!" They all immediately got up, "To the temple!" Shamura yelled, "Hurry!"

Narinder picked up The Lamb golden statue and carried it as they ran to the temple time to waste.

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