Chapter 11: Kallamar

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"Great. Another crossroad... I forgot how complicated the layout of Anchordeep is," Kallamar sighed, "So... any idea where to go?" Kallamar turned to Narinder only to see him zoning out, "Hey! Narinder! Pay attention!"

Narinder snaps back to reality, "What? Did we find it?"

"Can't hear what you said so I'm going to assume you said to go right, come on," Kallamar walks to the right and Narinder just follows.

"So... you and The Lamb, huh?" Kallamar asks, "That uh... surprising..."

Narinder looks up at him, not sure if he should respond.

"I heard you yesterday, in the temple, surprising you guys didn't make out right there," Kallamar laughs a little and Narinder rolls his eyes.

Narinder shifts uncomfortably before signing, "It's not like that," he mumbles, avoiding eye contact.

Kallamar chuckles, "Oh, come on. I've seen the way you two look at each other. It's written all over your faces."

Narinder sighs, feeling a mix of frustration and embarrassment as he signed again, "We're just friends. Nothing more."

"Sure, sure," Kallamar teases, nudging Narinder playfully. "Your friends... for now... anyways aren't you supposed to freeze up? Or is that only when we get close to my ear?"

Narinder sighed and signed, "So Heket and Leshy told you about that huh?"

"Yeah, especially Heket, she must have missed talking," Kallamar explains.

Narinder frowns, "Great..." he mutters. Narinder flips around his scythe that The Lamb allowed him to take or more like made him take. The Lamb seemed worried about this time as they packed his bags. He wondered why; they weren't the last two times, but this time, this time they almost seemed reluctant to let him go.

Narinder zoned out again, thinking about The Lamb. It was... kinda cute when they were worried; their nose twitched, their ears dropped, and their eyes looked up at him with a... kinda puppy dog look, almost as if they were begging him not to go. Narinder chuckles a little as he thought about it; thank god Kallamar was deaf or else he would ask.

That's when he snapped back to reality, realizing Kallamar was talking about something. He tried to pay attention, but he couldn't keep his mind straight. Honestly, he just wished Kallamar would shut up, stop teasing him about stuff, and just stay quiet for a while. But his thoughts are cut short when suddenly he hears a noise. No, not just a noise... someone... walking, and it wasn't him or Kallamar.

Narinder stopped walking, trying to listen better. Kallamar noticed and turned to face him, "Oh my god is it happening?"

Narinder growls as he continues to listen, "Stop talking."

"Can't hear you! Remember? I'm deaf. Sign," Kallamar said. Narinder growled again as he signed to Kallamar to shut up, "Why?"

Narinder signed again, "Listening."

"For what?" Kallamar asked, annoyed.

"Shut up!" Narinder yelled. He knew Kallamar couldn't hear him, but he needed to get frustration out. Sadly, that seemed to alert whoever was following them as that's when heretics popped out of the bushes... or rather... seaweed.

Narinder's eyes widened as he unsheathed his scythe, "Shit!" he lunged forward, ready to slice the heretics to bits. He hadn't gotten the chance to fight in a while, so he was kinda excited to get to fight again, but he definitely was a bit rusty as almost immediately, one of the heretics lands a blow on Narinder's belly. Shit.

He looked at it; it wasn't bad, he was fine. "Narinder! Shit! You suck at fighting!" Narinder gives Kallamar an annoyed look. Why won't he just shut up? That little coward is all talk no bite; if he tried fighting, he would immediately he bet; he should just leave him and see how he would do with fig-

"Divine bond." Narinder x The LambWhere stories live. Discover now