Chapter 6: Talk

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"And then he just lost sight in that eye!" The Lamb yells, venting. Bags were under their eyes, they had spent all night looking through the book Shamura had brought with them, hoping to find something on Narinder's sudden loss of sight.

"I see. And just so suddenly?" Midas asks.

"Yes! I was wondering if maybe one of Shamura's books could tell me something but... nothing. Maybe the nurse was right... it was just bad luck." The Lamb sighs, "Anyways... thanks for listening Midas. Sorry to bother but I have no one else to really go to. The people in my cult are great but I don't think I should rely on them as their god, Ratau is playing knucklebones right now and Sozo is... well... you know... along with others..."

Midas nods, "Of course, of course, no need to apologize Lamb. Come to me whenever. Want some tea to calm your nerves?"

The Lamb shakes their head, "No thank you Midas. I already stayed up all night, if I drink anything calm I might fall asleep and I have a cult I need to tend to." The Lamb got up, "Talking about my cult, I should head back. I'll see you later Midas."

"Goodbye Lamb... come back whenever you like..." Midas smiles and waves as the Lamb heads out.

They run back to the cult and sigh as they see people complaining about being hungry. Great. The Lamb heads over to the kitchen and assigns someone to cook, these people can't do anything by themselves can they?

They turn around but stop in their tracks when they see Narinder, standing right in front of them.

"H-Hey Nari!" The Lamb greets.

"Where were you?" Narinder asks.


"Where were you?" Narinder says again.

"Um.. I was at Midas's cave." The Lamb answers.

"Why?" Narinder asks.

"Why does it matter?..." The Lamb asks before forming a sheepish grin, "You finally care for me?~"

"Leahy was looking for you but now they're eating the crops." Narinder explains, "But now that you say where you were... Midas..."

"What about them?" The Lamb asks.

"Name sounds... familiar.... are they.... a short greedy blue starfish by chance?" Narinder asks.

"Yes. How did you know?" The Lamb asks, "Have you met him before?"

"Yes... yes I have... Lamb... please tell me you didn't make a deal with him." Narinder pry.

"N-No. I haven't? Why? Are they bad?" The Lamb asks.

Narinder's expression darkened. "Midas is more than just bad, Lamb. He's dangerous. He may seem charming, but he's known for making deals that come with a hefty price."

The Lamb's heart raced. "What kind of deals?"

"Deals that can cost you more than you bargained for," Narinder warned. "He's cunning and manipulative. You need to be careful around him."

The Lamb felt a knot forming in their stomach. "But I didn't make any deals with him... I just went to him for advice."

Narinder sighed, placing a hand on the Lamb's shoulder. "Just promise me if he ever offers you anything, don't accept it."

"I promise," the Lamb promised.

"Good." Narinder then proceeds to turn and leave.

"Wait! H-How's your eye?" The Lamb asks.

Narinder looks back at him, "Burning and red."

"Have you put on the cream?" The Lamb asks.

"Yes... I tried to... in fact, I think it's time for me to put it on again..." Narinder turns back around and starts walking.

Concerned for Narinder, the Lamb followed them, "Nari, let me help you with that cream," the Lamb said, catching up to Narinder.

"I got it," Narinder said as he picked up the tube of cream.

"Oh come on. There's no mirrors here. I can probably put it on better." The Lamb grabs the tube and puts a little on their fingers, "Stay still."

Narinder reluctantly stayed still as the Lamb carefully applied the cream around their third eye, slight blush forming on their cheeks, "Damned Lamb..." Narinder murmured, blinking slowly.

"How blurry is it?" The Lamb asked.

"Might as well just be completely dark. It's useless." Narinder complains.

"Well at least you have two still working eyes, right?" The Lamb asked, a soft smile on their lips.

Narinder just sighs.

The Lamb finished putting on the cream and gave back the tube, "Don't touch it too much."

"I can take care of myself..." Narinder then walked off. The Lamb sighed as they went back to the kitchen. They were low on meat, they should send someone out to get some.

"Divine bond." Narinder x The LambWhere stories live. Discover now