Chapter 5: Eye

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"You're back! Thank god." The Lamb yells as they run to Narinder and Leshy who just came back.

"We're fine Lamb. We ran into some...some of Leshy's old followers but...we're fine."

"That's a relief." The Lamb turns to Leshy, "How about you" The Lamb stops talking out of shock. They blink and rub their eyes, making sure what they were seeing was real, "Your eye...You...have an eye again..."

Leshy smiles, still very giddy, "It reattached! I can see again! I can see!" Leshy jumps around, "I got to show the others!" Leshy runs off in the direction of the other Bishops.

The Lamb laughs happily as they turn back to Narinder, "So what are you going to do now Nari?~"

"What do you mean?" Narinder asks.

"Are you going to fish again?" The Lamb restates.

Narinder shrugs, "Don't know...probably just sit in the temple. My third eye is giving me blurry..."

"Oh...well in that um...want to play knucklebones with me?" The Lamb asks, nervously.

"Oh um...isn't that a casino game?" Narinder asks, "I didn't know you gambled."

"You learn something new every day~ Want to come?~" The Lamb asks.

Narinder sighs, "Fine...but only because I have nothing better to do."

The Lamb smiles and grabs Narinder's hand, pulling him into the portal and to the lonely shack.

"Did you give the old rat to the fox a while back?" Narinder asks.

"Yeah but...after a few days he reappeared and now that fox won't leave his side..." The Lamb explains as they swing open the door and inside they see Ratau and...The Fox...standing a little too close.

"Hey Ratau!" The Lamb yelled causing the two to jump back.

"Oh Lamb! Hey! We were...just talking...what are you here for?" Ratau asks.

The Lamb stares at The Fox before smiling, "We want to play knucklebones!"

Ratau smiles and nods, "Well then the table is ours." he pulls out the dice and throws it on the table as The Lamb pulls Narinder to it.

The next few hours were filled with rolling dice, yelling, and many short rage quittings from Narinder.

"Man you suck at this game!" The Lamb laughed as they matched Narinder's 6.

Narinder looked close to flipping the table, "I swear to god....if I have to give any more coins I'm going to leap across this table and kill you..." he growled as he put down another dice.

The Lamb laughed more as they matched it.

"Piece of-" Narinder was about to swear when they yelped and held their eye.

"Nari?" The Lamb put down the dice and went over, concerned.

Narinder was covering his third eye, swearing under his breath, "Shit it hurts like hell." He muttered.

"What happened. Let me see." The Lamb demands as he pries Narinder's arm away and looks at Narinder's eye.

It was bloodshot, heavily bloodshot. Narinder was moving it back and forth rapidly and blinking, "I-I can't...see through it."

"At all?" The Lamb asks.

"Well...a's so blurry....and dark..." Narinder covered it again.

"Let's go to the medbay. One of the cult nurses can probably do better at looking at this than me." The Lamb grabbed Narinder quickly hurried out, waving Ratau and The Fox goodbye.

Once they arrived, they were greeted by a cult nurse who quickly ushered them into a small examination room. Narinder winced as the nurse examined his third eye.

After a thorough examination, the nurse turned to The Lamb with a worried look, "It seemed it suffered a spell immune system glitch...he is, unfortunately, pretty much blind in that eye now..."

"Is there anything you can do?" The Lamb asks.

The nurse sighed, "Unfortunately, the damage seems to be extensive. We can try some treatments to alleviate the pain and inflammation, but regaining full vision in that eye may be...unlikely."

Narinder sighed, "Well...I guess this is what I get..."

The Lamb tilted his head, "What do you mean?"

"I made Leshy's only fair I got blind in one of my eyes to make it fair..." Narinder gets up, "Just give me whatever you have to deal with the pain and I'll be off."

The nurse quickly hands him some cream and Narinder walks to the room, "Your friend sure is calm about this..." She mutters to The Lamb.

"Yep...that's Nari....That's Nari....but it's odd that this happened so soon after Leshy got his vision back...maybe it's a good thing? Hey...Shamura brought some books with them here...maybe one of them has something."

"Or maybe it's horrible luck." The nurse suggested.

"Maybe...but I have a feeling maybe something I'll find something..." The Lamb sighs, "Anyways thanks for the help."

The nurse smiles and nods, "Of course my lord, anything for you."

The Lamb then walks off.

"Divine bond." Narinder x The LambWhere stories live. Discover now