The quiet flame of revenge

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Darling didn't like the quiet.

A sentence that was almost a laughable understatement.

She was a chatterbox, known for her inability to sit in a moments silence even by herself- especially by herself.

That's why it was so eery when Morgan entered his silent apartment, assuming she had gone out, only to find her sat on the floor with what could only be described as an atomic bomb amount of papers surrounding her, utterly silent as she scribbled almost violently on a picture print out.

"I'd hate to be that guy" Morgan half joked as Darling practically jabbed out the eyes of Luke's employee profile photo.

Instead of a roar of laughter or a usual throw back mocking, he was surprised to find Darling's sorrow-filled gaze lift to him.

"I... I can't figure this out"

Her voice sounded broken, a whisper of pain she had been fighting all day.

A thousand phone calls and extensive re-viewing of files later, she couldn't prove what Luke had confessed to doing- not the mention the physical abuse he gave her in the prison.

Surprisingly, it wasn't the fact he had beaten her senseless, destroyed her credibility at her job or even his 'master' evil plan to be some sort of pimp for the NYPD that had her sat criss cross apple sauce for the last 10 hours in silence trying to figure out how to put him away for good- it was the fact he thought he won, of which it was seeming like he had.

It was the fact that she had to spend four months in a fake suburbia married to a borderline misogynist hundreds.

It was the fact she had to wake up every day pretending that she didn't know who Darling Dawson was.

It was the fact she had to leave Morgan.

Luke got to win, to take her job, to waltz around pretending to be the hero who 'saved' the 'crazy' woman who cut off his fingers.

Luke got to sit at her desk, he got to talk to her friends, he got to breathe the same air as Morgan.

"Woah, woah, woah-" Morgan was suddenly by her side, pulling the paper out of her hands as she let out a frustrated scream, ripping apart the files she had spent tireless hours on, "-let's take a breath before you get a paper cut shorty-"

"This is so unfair!" She kicked her legs out from under her, paper flying into the air as she threw her head back in an almost toddler like tantrum at the sky, "what the hell god!? Can't you cut a girl some slack!?"

"I think my upstairs neighbours are getting in the way of your convo with god" Morgan teased as he knelt in front of her, "what's up? What is all this?"

Darling tilted her head with almost rage at the 'stupidity' of his question.

"This? This is me crawling back to my life Derek!"

"Woah okay I didn't realise serious Darling was here, it's a rarity to see her."

"That's not funny!" She couldn't help her laughter, shaking her head at Morgan's slight smirk at it, "stop it! I'm trying to be angry, serious and broody."

"All admirable qualities" he chuckled, holding down his hand at her as he stood up, "come on, let's go grab some food."

"Derek it's almost 1am-"

"And by the lack of fire in my kitchen I'd say you've been to 'broody' to eat today" he raised his eyebrow knowingly, taking her hand and hoisting her up with ease, "this is exactly how you acted before the SATs-"

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