Empty handed heartbreaks

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"-I shouldn't even be in any trouble!" Darling yelled as she was dragged out of the office after attempting to throw herself at Luke by Morgan who hoisted her up onto his shoulder, "put me down!"

"Be quiet" Morgan shook his head with frustration to his voice that she didn't understand as he took her to Garcia's empty office on the other side of the 6th floor and placed her down before he shut the door with a sigh, back to her still.

"What the hell happened in there?!" Darling felt the fire burning in her skin behind her tears as she sort comfort in the anger she hoped he would share with her over what happened, "did you hear what they were saying?! How can they believe that-"

"Why did you lie to me about your meds?" Morgan interrupted, turning to her from the door with an expression on his face that confused her.

"I didn't?"

"You told me that you stopped taking them and-"

"I did stop taking them."

"So you're back on them?"

"No I'm not- what does that have to do with any of this-"

"Because you lied to me Darling" he shook his head before sighing, "I'm not mad, I don't care if you went back on your meds or not- just don't lie to me about this, just tell me the truth."

"I am telling you the truth" she folded her arms, "do you not believe me or something?"

"Well I don't know anymore, clearly you've been lying to me about a lot" he mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"What was your 'secret mission?" He turned fully to her.

"Really? Now is not the time for-"

"No now is the time" he marched over to her, "what have you been hiding from me?"

"Derek our friends are out there listening to a man who tried to kill us both spout lies about me and you want me to sit here and talk-"

"Yes!" His sudden yelling made her step back slightly with startlement, "for once Darling I want you to talk!"

"I-I always talk-"

"Yes but you never say anything" he argued, "I have to force you to open up even in the slightest to me even after all of these years and that's fine, it's fine! I don't mind helping you with that but then you can't keep secrets from me like the fact that you apparently were away from your job you never even told me about in the first place for three years?!"

"I was on an assignment" she mumbled an attempted explanation.

"You see that right there isn't good enough" he shook his head, unsure where this frustration and anger was coming from but it kept spewing out, "give me a real explanation."

"It has nothing to do with-"

"Just tell me!"

He felt his anger flicker for a moment when he saw the fear on her face and her jump slightly from his voice- but not just someone yelling or someone being angry like she used to react to before, this time it was from him, this time she was afraid of his yelling.

"I-I don't like when you yell at me" she stepped back and spoke quietly, "please don't yell at me when you're angry."

Morgan let out a sigh and lowered his voice, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry- I just... please, just tell me Darling- just explain to me for once- let me trust you without having to question what you're keeping from me."

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