To hell with it

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//Darling's outfit Inspo for this chapter is above!:)) // 

It was 9:30pm when Darling finally got a phone call, but not from who she expected. 

"Where are you loser?"

"Good evening to you too Luke" Darling chuckled, "I'm in my house."

"And why aren't you in my house with the rest of the party people?" He swerved into the kitchen past the team before whispering down the phone, "and why is there a random hot woman here in your place?"

"A what?" 

"I thought Derek was picking you up but he showed up with this like model looking woman 10 minutes ago- I thought he would be picking you up?"

Model looking woman? There with Derek?

Darling pushed past the gut punch of pain in her stomach, "I, uh, I thought he was too but he never gave me a time and you didn't put me in the group chat so..."

"He didn't tell you a time? Hang on a minute-" Luke walked back into the dining room where Darling could hear muffled chatter for a while on the other side of the phone whilst she finished painting her nails a burnt orange colour, deciding to paint her nails and re-doing her makeup at 7:30 after waiting for hours in her green silk midi evening dress and darker green oversized coat with a pair of chunky platform doc Martens waiting to be worn by the door- waiting for anyone to contact her about the diner party that she wasn't too sure was happening.

"Sorry D, I'll come pick you up now- wait what Derek? No, no it's fine I'll do it- aaand your gone" Luke carried on his conversation as he tried to talk to Darling who was fanning her nails dry, only half listening to the phone call.

"What's happening?"

"Morgan just left to pick you up- literally abandoning his girlfriend here, of which I still don't know her name by the way."

"His what?" Darling's heart caught in her throat as she choked on the word.


That doesn't make any sense, he said he didn't have a girlfriend, he said he lied about that- OH GOD, you kissed him! He has a girlfriend and you kissed him! What the hell?!

"D? Are you still there?" Luke asked as Darling's head ran at a thousand miles per hour.

Oh my god it has all been in your head, hasn't it? He's just been nice and friendly like he always has and you've thought too much into it just like you knew you would you stupid, stupid idiot!

She felt a burning in her chest and the hint of frustrated tears in her eyes before her logical thinking took over and clocked onto the fact that Morgan was on his way here right now to pick her up.

"O-oh shit, uh, tell Derek to not bother coming to get me, I think I'm going to have a night in" Darling cleared her throat and wiped the annoying tears from her eyes.

"What? Why?" Luke quizzed.

"I, uh, just don't feel good and-"

"Is that Darling?" An already drunk Garcia snatched the phone off of Luke, "Darrrrrling! Where are you!? You have to come here right now, I miss you!"

Darling couldn't help her laughter at her friend, "hi sweetie, miss you too but I don't think I'm coming tonight-"

"Noooo! You have to! Morgan's already left to get you!"

"Just text him to go back to the party" Darling said, walking past a mirror and hating how flustered and overwhelmed she looked- wanting to just hide in a hole out of embarrassment, settling on splashing her face with water in the sink instead.

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