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Morgan couldn't take it anymore.

The team were sat in the conference room working and gossiping as the day grew on- the main point of gossip being how Reid and Darling hadn't shown up for work yet.

"I think they're off kanoodeling- they'd be so cute together!" Garcia squealed down the phone.

"Reid and Darling? No way, I don't see it, he wouldn't go for her" Ashely shrugged, seemingly irritated by that idea and almost scoffing at the thought.

"Reid also wouldn't miss work for that, the kid spends more nights at this job that off with girls" Rossi chuckled, "there's also Hotch's rule."

"That's still a thing?" Emily rolled her eyes, "even the FBI don't care who sleeps with who- why is Hotch so uptight by it?"

"Because I don't want my team fraternising with each other and the gossip it brings interfering with the cases like it is doing now" a stern tone came from the door as Hotch walked in with more files.

Emily made an awkward 'uh oh, I've been caught' face to Morgan- pausing when she saw his more than concerned expression.

"Hey, are you okay?" She nudged his foot, although it was clear that he most certainly was not.

After getting the courage to send her a 'we need to talk' text that she didn't open, he had gone to Darling's hotel room the night before to try to talk to her but she wasn't there- or she wasn't answering the door to her which frustrated him.

But then she didn't show up to work, and that worried him and embarrassingly frustrated him more.

She couldn't really be skipping work just to avoid talking to him, could she?

But that did sound like Darling, she was good at avoiding things, and apparently avoiding people too.

"Do you think Darling's gone off to solve the case all on her own again, maybe Reid's tagged along?" Emily suggested, trying to act professional to Hotch to make up for her comment, although Hotch's comment back had seemed to irritate Morgan more at his insinuation that Darling was off skipping work to 'fraternise' with Reid.

"Her and I had a conversation about that, she wouldn't do that again- and Reid wouldn't help with that behaviour" Hotch shook his head, not too worried but a hint of concern hitting him at the unusual absence "has no one been in contact with them still?"

The team all shook their heads in response.

"Has anyone checked their rooms?"

"I checked Reid's this morning, we usually get breakfast before cases and he wasn't there" Ashley answered.

"Darling wasn't in her room last night either" Morgan added, Emily glanced over at him with intrigue, also peaking Rossi's attention who's teasing grin came immediately.

"Why were you checking her room last night?"

"'Just friends' aye?"

Morgan rolled his eyes to hide his slight sweat from their comments as the conversation continued, ending with Hotch sending them on their separate assignments, ordering Morgan and two officers to go to the crime scene where Reid and Darling were last working to see if by any chance they were still there.

Morgan waited by the police car as the officers searched the warehouse of the old crime scene, tired and growing more irritated that Darling was causing all this fuss just to avoid talking to him- knowing that properly wasn't the case but is lack of sleep and need to figure out what was going on with them being too strong.

Darling deception- a criminal minds fanficWhere stories live. Discover now