Day two (2)

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Darling wasn't sure when she woke up from the almost instant concussion induced knock out against the prison wall, but she figured it was somewhere in-between the guards all having their skin on and throats unslit and the blood bath she was staring at now as she watched Bone stand up from the guard who's eyeballs were now completely missing, wiping the blood off her face onto her top before looking back over to Darling.

But something was different to the monster Darling had just watched brutally murder three grown men with the experience and ease of an old butcher slaughtering a cow.

The look on her face wasn't just confusing because of the tears, but the accompanying fear that lived that as she took in what she did- something she hadn't done in over 25 years and hadn't ever wanted to do before.

But something had snapped in her just like it did that first time.

From the moment she heard Darling's terrified scream as she went to run down the corridor, a scream she recognised from herself many years ago- a scream that told her exactly what those guards were going to do to Darling.

A scream that made her snap.

Bone had every intention of doing what Darling said, of running and leaving her- after all, she was just a stranger, a stranger that was going to be her unwilling ticket out of here but a stranger none the less.

She had no attachment to her, quite frankly found her endless pleasantries annoying and hated how her pony tale always bounced whilst she walked with a permanent perk in her step.

She realised as she turned to Darling who sat against the wall- covered in blood and staring with that same fear at the men on the floor who she knew were dead, but the fear was still there- why she had turned back, why she threw herself against the door until it budged, why she would have tunnelled under the whole prison to get in and keep that girl from losing that obnoxious smile and perk in her step.

Because she reminded her of herself, a 'self' that she hadn't been in a long time, a 'self' that had been taken and beaten out by men until it was nothing but blood and a thirst to spill it.

But a 'self' that she wasn't going to let this stranger lose, even if it meant seeing that fear of herself reflected in her eyes as Darling's gaze left the dead men's bodies and met hers.

"Listen kid, I-" Bone went to speak, expecting Daring to sob in fear or call her a monster, hating that she felt that in herself too, hating that she was affected by someone seeing her as that again.

But to her surprise, Darling didn't have that look in her eyes.

"You... you saved me" Darling's words were barely a whisper, but the astonishment was there.

"What-" Bone went to quiz but before she could, Darling's body was thrown around her in what resembled a sort of desperate child-like hug.

Bone didn't say anything, she didn't reciprocate the hug for a moment as Darling clung on for dear life, feeling a sob threaten to escape before she pushed herself back and cleared her throat awkwardly.

"S-sorry, sorry that wasn't very 'prison-like' of me and I-" Darling's apology was interrupted by Bone yanking her back into the hug.

"I told you to fucking run" Bone's furious yelling contrasted her tight embrace on Darling.

"I-" Darling didn't know what to say, overwhelmed by this cold stranger who looked as cuddly as a hedgehog towards her seeming to be terrified that she could have gotten hurt.

It seemed Bone had a similar reaction, pulling herself from the hug and frowning before shaking her head and turning, "let's go."

"W-where?" Darling replied but automatically followed her.

Darling deception- a criminal minds fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin