Outbreak of a new life (1)

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There were only a few things certain in Morgan's life now; the ready meals he was eating almost every night sat in his freezer, and the fact he would have a case to work next day even on weekends.

There was of course one more certain thing in his life, but he hadn't let himself think about that for months now.

But that was certainly a lie.

He hadn't stopped thinking about Darling's absence, something that was quickly becoming the most certain thing in his life with every passing day, although it never got easier to live with no matter how much he tried to find a new routine to distract himself.

He would wake up like usual, walk Clooney, have breakfast at his apartment, drive to work and working out before starting a case- come home, have dinner and then go to bed.

But that's not how he thought of it, that wasn't the truth.

He would wake up, without Darling.

He would walk Clooney, without Darling.

He would have breakfast, without Darling.

Drive to work, come home from work, have dinner, go to bed, wake up, walk Clooney...

All of it, every day, on repeat-all without Darling.

He almost couldn't live with it, he didn't think he would be able to the first couple of days- especially when he first walked into her apartment.

After finding her not in Garcia's office Morgan found himself in his car driving to Darling's apartment with a series of apologies and a plan of action to get through this with her as he sat in the five hour traffic jam that made him almost just abandon his car to get to her faster, a determination fuelled by the need to see her as he knocked on her door that opened on its own, revealing someone that was most certainly not Darling sweeping the floor.

But Jenkin's cleaning Darling's apartment wasn't what was the most surprising thing to him when the door opened, it was her things all boxed up in donation bins that startled him the most with a wave of confusion that quickly turned to devastation at a realisation that didn't feel real- it couldn't possibly be real.

Jenkins didn't respond to him being there, simply just brushing the dirt from under the couch that was clingfilm wrapped ready to be sent to a thrift store- an act that broke Morgan's heart itself thinking of that couch leaving this apartment, trying to understand what on earth was happening.

"Jenkins-" Morgan walked over and took the broom from them, "what the hell is all of this?"

Jenkins looked up blankly before sighing, "I'm cleaning up my tenants apartment before I can start the showings for my next one."

"What?" Morgan exclaimed in shock, "Darling is moving? Why didn't she tell me? Where is she going?"

Jenkins didn't respond again, just turning and finishing taping up one of Darling's 'trash' boxes she left, pausing at the stack of letters on the top of the pile in the box and picking them up.

They examined them for a moment before going to put it back.

"Woah- don't do that, that's from her mom" Morgan took them from Jenkins, "I-I don't understand why she's moving without telling me and I sure as hell don't understand why she's donating what looks like all of her stuff but she wouldn't want to leave these here for the trash... what's her new address? I'll give her these, she still needs to open them."

Jenkins looked at him for a moment before shrugging, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"What?" Morgan tilted his head with confusion at them, "did she not leave an address?"

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