We're okay

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Morgan didn't realise what his body was doing until his hands were around her throat trying to squeeze the life out of her, he didn't realise the metal was back into her hands before it smashed across his head again and he most certainly didn't realise that he was physically fighting his best friend of 19 years to the death until it was too late for him to stop it.

Because he had in fact been trying to stop it despite what it seemed.

Ever since the water entered his body and the red took over his eyes, he had been trying to fight it- but it was no use.

His body moved without him controlling it, his voice spoke without him telling it to, everything moved fuelled by the drug and whatever it made him want.

And what Morgan wanted; was her.

Not water.

Not control.

Not to spread the drug.

But Darling.

"D-Derek! Please!" Darling cried out, a cry that broke his heart in two and made him never want to breathe again just so he couldn't hurt her, but his body didn't get the memo.

"Just behave!" He heard his voice yelling, although he didn't tell it to.

That's all his body seemed to want to do, to get her to 'behave.'

But Morgan didn't like when Darling 'behaved,' he never had.

He knew that this wasn't him; that this was the drug that had made its way into his bloodstream when Graham had tried to drown him, he knew he would never do this to Darling or want this from her- but his hands still tightened around her throat.

I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Darling! Please hear me!

"If you behave then I'll let you go!" His voice commanded instead.

Darling's body fought his automatically, she clawed at his arms until it drew blood with tears streaming down her face and the urge to just give up so she wouldn't hurt him.

She knew he was in there, trapped in there just like she had been in her own body when the drug took over her before.

She didn't want to hurt him, she didn't want him to see her cry with fear of him, she didn't want to have to fight him- but she did.

Her leg hooked around his and tugged to get him off her to no avail, his hands pinned her to the floor by her neck, his strength unlike anything he had ever used with her before.

She always knew he was strong, but she had never felt it to its extent and if she was honest now that she had; she was scared of it.

But mostly now that she had felt it, she was even more grateful of how gentle he was all of the time usually.

As the bruise grew around her neck she realised how much pain he could inflict with his strength, how much fear he would have been able to get out of her all of these years- but he didn't.

Because even as he was squeezing the life out of her and about to slam her head into the floor, she still knew Derek would never want to hurt her.

"Just say you'll behave!" He growled as he shook her.

"D-Derek-" She gasped in agony, words unable to come out fully.

"Say it!" He screamed before a sound alerted him to turn around.

Just as he did, the barrel of a shotgun smashed into his nose, sending him flying off Darling onto the floor next to her.

She tried to breathe, every intake of oxygen like a dagger down her throat as her vision blurred but she felt hands on her ankles dragging her out of the caged area Morgan had dragged her into to fight.

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