Phone call

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"Come on sugar, pick up the phone" Darling's leg shook nervously like it had been for the days she had been locked in the darkness of her solitary room that felt like years.

Darling hated being alone, no, hate wasn't a strong enough word; she despised it.

Most of all she hated the quiet, too much quiet, it had always driven her insane.

Even if she was home alone for 5 minutes she could be found blasting some kind of music or background noise, not being able to cope with the room the silence brought for her mind to race- especially now she wasn't medicated.

The last however long she had been locked away after being dragged by the guards that almost made her pass out with the weight pressed onto her had been torture without any medication or distractions.

She felt tears on her face always, her mind unable to shut off even for her to sleep so she just sat there with her back against the cold wall and knees tucked into her chest, whispering the same words over and over again to try to convince herself of them.

It's okay, you're okay, it's okay.

But she wasn't, no, she knew that now more than ever.

She was far from okay.

It wasn't until the door finally opened and a speck of light illuminated the isolated room did she notice the blood she had drawn from scratching her arms like she usually only slightly did when she was stressed, but this was new.

It was deep, it was raw and desperate, it was a distraction of any sorts, it was an escape in the pain.

She rolled her undershirt sleeves down as she got up and followed the guard out into the yard for the first time since she had been locked into the solitary small cell, somehow enjoying the yells and sound of the usual chaos around the prison that days before would have terrified her but now were a warm welcome from the silence that had strangled her in that cell.

"You have an hour until line up" the guard told her.

An hour.

She had an hour out here; surrounded by the worst of the worst in the prison who were already glaring at her, but she didn't care.

All she cared about was getting over to the phone in the yard and making her call, a call she had been clutching onto like a lifeline, a call that was the only thing giving her hope of any sorts.

"Pick up the damn phone you stupid son of a-"

"Hello?" A familiar, yet confused voice, answered.

"Derek" Darling let out a breath of relief, "you answered."

"Darling?" His voice resembled the same amount of relief, "how are you calling me? Wait, I don't care- it's just, it's so fucking good to finally hear you."

Darling almost burst into tears on the spot from that, from him seeming to not hate her like he was terrified he would after hearing he was suspended and him not turning up to the visiting hours before.

But she had to push down that overwhelming relief and clutch onto the reason she was phoning, the thing that had made her not lose her mind in that cell; being able to be mad at him.

"Explain to me right now why in the higgidly hell you let yourself get suspended?" She demanded.

Morgan paused at her tone before shaking his head and letting himself clutch to his frustrations too, "you're one to talk, you explain to me why you let yourself get put in solitary."

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